
Tuesday, September 30, 2014


ARGENTINA/CUBA    Surprisingly daytime reception of RAE and RHC on Sept.24:
1200-1300 on 15344vBUE 100 kW / 335 deg to NoAm Portuguese R.Argentina Exterior
1100-1500 on 17580 HAB 100 kW / 160 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Habana Cuba
1100-1500 on 17730 HAB 100 kW / 130 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Habana Cuba

CHINA   Temporarily suspended frequencies of China Radio International till Oct.1:
0000-0057 on 11790 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs English
0000-0057 on 13655 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0000-0057 on 13770 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
0100-0157 on 15425 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Amoy
0200-0257 on 15425 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Amoy
0300-0357 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0400-0457 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Cantonese
0400-0457 on 17740 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
0500-0557 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Cantonese
0500-0557 on 17740 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
0600-0657 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0600-0657 on 17740 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
0700-0757 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Cantonese
0700-0757 on 17740 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
0800-0857 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0900-0957 on 13620 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0900-0957 on 17530 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
1000-1057 on 11620 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1000-1057 on 17530 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
1100-1157 on 11620 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1100-1157 on 17530 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
1200-1227 on 17505 XIA 500 kW / 145 deg to SEAs Filipino
1200-1257 on 11620 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1300-1357 on  7325 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1400-1457 on  6040 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
1400-1457 on  7395 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1500-1557 on  9585 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1700-1757 on 11650 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to WeEu Esperanto
1700-1757 on 13570 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to WeEu English
1800-1857 on 11895 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to WeEu Chaozhou
1900-1927 on  7435 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to CeEu Hungarian
1930-1957 on  7435 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to SEEu Romanian
2100-2157 on  7290 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Korean
2200-2257 on  9535 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
2300-2357 on  7220 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
2300-2357 on 11680 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
2300-2357 on 11790 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs English

CHINA   China Radio International via Urumqu and via Bamako on Sept.22/23:
1400-1457 on 17630 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EaEu English, as scheduled A-14
1400-1457 on 17630 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English, instead of French
1500-1557 on 17630 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English, instead of French

CHINA vs. INDIA   China National Radio 2 vs. All India Radio:
1300-1500 on  9820 XIA 100 kW / 290 deg to CHN  Chinese CNR-2
1300-1500 on  9820 DEL 100 kW / 174 deg to SoAs Sinhala AIR. Video:

GERMANY   Hamburger Lokalradio will have a special shortwave transmission
on German Unity Day, October 3rd 2014. Times and frequencies are follows:
0600-1000 on  6190 GOH 150 watts / 230 deg to CeEu German in AM mode
1100-1500 on  7265 GOH 150 watts / 230 deg to CeEu German in AM mode
Reception reports are welcomed and will be confirmed with a QSL card.
Return postage is highly appreciated (one US Dollar from abroad, mint
stamps from national listeners). Postal address: Hamburger Lokalradio
c/o Kulturzentrum Lola, 21031 Hamburg, Germany.

INDIA(non)   The broadcast dates of Song of India on Medium Wave 1125 kHz
to India will be on October 4, 11, 18 and 25 at 1330 to 1530 UTC. Song of
India will also be relayed to North America via WRMI Okeechobee on Oct.5:
0000-0200 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm, instead of Brother Stair.

IRAN(non)   R.Ranginkaman, R.Rainbow is on the air 1 hour later from Sept.22:
1700-1730 on  7575 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri, ex 1600-1630
Video from Sept.29, very weak signal:

IRELAND(non)   Schedule of All-Ireland Hurling Championship on Sept.27
1500-1700 on  7300 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1500-1700 on 11980 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf English
1500-1700 on 17495 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf English

1700-1900 on  6040 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1700-1900 on 11980 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf English
1700-1900 on 17490 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf English. Ten videos:

FRANCE(non)   RFI via Meyerton is not parallel on RFI via Issoudun
1700-1800 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French
1700-1800 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf French
1700-1800 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf French
1700-1800 on 17620 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WCAf French
1700-1800 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf French

KUWAIT   Observations of Radio Kuwait in Arabic on Sept.26:
1600-1800 on  6050 KBD 250 kW / non-dir to N/ME General Sce, as scheduled
1600-1800 on 15540 KBD 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs General Sce, instead Urdu
1700-1800 on 13650 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg to NoAm Holy Quran, instead General Sce

TAIWAN   Upcoming test broadcasts of Radio Taiwan International of new
Ampegon transmitter and revolving antennas at Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan:
1600-1700 on October 3-5/10-12 in AM mode & October 17/18 in DRM mode.
Frequency on test broadcasts will be published soon, tentative 11665.

TIBET(non)   Frequency changes for Voice of Tibet:
1230-1245 NF 15582 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15577
1245-1300 NF 15583 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15582
1315-1330 NF 15547 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542
1330-1345 NF 15547 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542
1345-1400 NF 15547 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15548
All other remain unchanged:
1200-1215 on 15542 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese
1215-1230 on 15548 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese
1300-1315 on 15548 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese
1300-1330 on 15588 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1330-1400 on 15582 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1400-1415 on 15525 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1400-1430 on 15588 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1415-1430 on 15530 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1430-1445 on 15617 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1445-1500 on 15622 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
All frequencies are jammed by China on xxxx0 / xxxx5
Changes between frequencies vary from 3 to 5 minutes. Videos:

UKRAINE(non)   Radio Ukraine International on shortwave via WRMI Okeechobee
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to ENAm English Daily from Sept.25:
The broadcasts will continue at least through the end of 2014.

U.K.(non)   BBC changes effective from Sept.20/22:
0700-0730 on 17880 WOF 300 kW / 152 deg to CeAf French, ex MEY 250kW/342deg
1100-1200 on 17755 WOF 100 kW / 107 deg to N/ME English on Sept.24 DRM mode
1300-1400 on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
1300-1400 on 21470 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
1330-1600 on 17780 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa  Sat "Premier League"
1400-1500 on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
1400-1500 on 21470 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
1600-1700 on  6195 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 1500-1600 on same
1600-1700 on 15310 NAK 250 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 1500-1600 on same
2200-2400 on  9915 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WCAf English Mon-Fri, additional
2200-2400 on 12095 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to WeAf English Mon-Fri, additional
Full updated summer A-14 shortwave schedule of BBC may be found here

UNIDentified station playing Egyptian music was observed on Sept.26
1110-1116 on new 9600, ex 9550, re-ex 9400. Very, very weak signal:

USA   From October 1 WRMI Okeechobee will add 3 hours per day of programming
from Family Radio. The new broadcasts will be in Hindi, Japanese and Chinese
0100-0200 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Hindi, instead of Brother Stair
1000-1100 on  7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm Japanese, instead Brother Stair
1100-1200 on  7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm Chinese,  instead Brother Stair

The Hindi program is on a beam to West Europe, but will also be intended for
listeners in India. The Japanese & Chinese programs are on a beam to Western
North America, but will also be intended for listeners in Japan and China. 

USA   Wrong frequency announcement of WWCR 1 on Sept.24
1200-2200 on 15825 WCR 100 kW / 046 deg to WeEu English. Video:

USA(non)   Additional frequencies of Brother Stair /TOM/ via SPL Secretbrod:
1500-1900 on  9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English
1800-2100 on  5900 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English. Videos on Sept.20-24

USA(non)   Frequency change of RFE/RL Radio Farda from Sept.15:
0230-0400 NF 13860 LAM 100 kW / 092 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 15680 BIB

UZBEKISTAN vs. GREECE   Radio Free Chosun vs. ERT Open on 15630, Sept.24
1300-1500 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to KRE  Korean
1300-1500 on 15630 AVL 100 kW / 105 deg to SoAs Greek, instead of 15650:

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Temporarily suspended frequencies of CRI till Oct.1

CHINA   Temporarily suspended frequencies of China Radio International till Oct.1:
0000-0057 on 11790 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs English
0000-0057 on 13655 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0000-0057 on 13770 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
0100-0157 on 15425 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Amoy
0200-0257 on 15425 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Amoy
0300-0357 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0400-0457 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Cantonese
0400-0457 on 17740 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
0500-0557 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Cantonese
0500-0557 on 17740 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
0600-0657 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0600-0657 on 17740 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
0700-0757 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Cantonese
0700-0757 on 17740 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
0800-0857 on 15230 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0900-0957 on 13620 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Chinese
0900-0957 on 17530 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
1000-1057 on 11620 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1000-1057 on 17530 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
1100-1157 on 11620 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1100-1157 on 17530 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
1200-1227 on 17505 XIA 500 kW / 145 deg to SEAs Filipino
1200-1257 on 11620 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1300-1357 on  7325 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1400-1457 on  6040 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Chinese
1400-1457 on  7395 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1500-1557 on  9585 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
1700-1757 on 11650 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to WeEu Esperanto
1700-1757 on 13570 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to WeEu English
1800-1857 on 11895 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to WeEu Chaozhou
1900-1927 on  7435 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to CeEu Hungarian
1930-1957 on  7435 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to SEEu Romanian
2100-2157 on  7290 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Korean
2200-2257 on  9535 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
2300-2357 on  7220 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
2300-2357 on 11680 XIA 500 kW / 073 deg to EaAs Japanese
2300-2357 on 11790 XIA 500 kW / 190 deg to SEAs English

The broadcast dates of Song of India on Medium Wave 1125 kHz

INDIA(non)   The broadcast dates of Song of India on Medium Wave 1125 kHz
to India will be on October 4, 11, 18 and 25 at 1330 to 1530 UTC. Song of
India will also be relayed to North America via WRMI Okeechobee on Oct.5:
0000-0200 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm, instead of Brother Stair.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

RFI via Meyerton is not parallel on RFI via Issoudun

FRANCE(non)   RFI via Meyerton is not parallel on RFI via Issoudun
1700-1800 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French
1700-1800 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf French
1700-1800 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf French
1700-1800 on 17620 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WCAf French
1700-1800 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf French

Observations of Radio Kuwait in Arabic on Sept.26

KUWAIT   Observations of Radio Kuwait in Arabic on Sept.26:
1600-1800 on  6050 KBD 250 kW / non-dir to N/ME General Sce, as scheduled
1600-1800 on 15540 KBD 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs General Sce, instead Urdu
1700-1800 on 13650 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg to NoAm Holy Quran, instead General Sce

R.Ranginkaman, R.Rainbow is on the air 1 hour later from Sept.22

IRAN(non)   R.Ranginkaman, R.Rainbow is on the air 1 hour later from Sept.22:
1700-1730 on  7575 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri, ex 1600-1630

Friday, September 26, 2014

UNIDentified station playing Egyptian music on Sept.26

UNIDentified station playing Egyptian music was observed on Sept.26
1110-1116 on new 9600, ex 9550, re-ex 9400. Very, very weak signal:

RTÉ All-Ireland Hurling Championship Final on Sat, Sept 27

IRELAND(non)   Schedule of RTÉ All-Ireland Hurling Championship on Sat, Sept 27
1500-1700 on  7300 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1500-1700 on 11980 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf English
1500-1700 on 17495 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf English

1700-1900 on  6040 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1700-1900 on 11980 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf English
1700-1900 on 17490 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf English

Radio Ukraine International on shortwave via WRMI Okeechobee

UKRAINE(non)   Radio Ukraine International on shortwave via WRMI Okeechobee
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to ENAm English Daily from Sept.25:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wrong frequency announcement of WWCR 1 on Sept.24

USA   Wrong frequency announcement of WWCR 1 on Sept.24
1200-2200 on 15825 WCR 100 kW / 046 deg to WeEu English

Surprisingly daytime reception of RAE and RHC

ARGENTINA/CUBA    Surprisingly daytime reception of RAE and RHC on Sept.24:
1200-1300 on 15344vBUE 100 kW / 335 deg to NoAm Portuguese R.Argentina Exterior
1100-1500 on 17580 HAB 100 kW / 160 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Habana Cuba
1100-1500 on 17730 HAB 100 kW / 130 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Habana Cuba

Frequency change of RFE/RL Radio Farda

USA(non)   Frequency change of RFE/RL Radio Farda from Sept.16:
0230-0400 NF 13860 LAM 100 kW / 092 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 15680

China National Radio 2 vs. All India Radio

CHINA vs. INDIA   China National Radio 2 vs. All India Radio:
1300-1500 on  9820 XIA 100 kW / 290 deg to CHN  Chinese CNR-2
1300-1500 on  9820 DEL 100 kW / 174 deg to SoAs Sinhala AIR

Radio Free Chosun vs. ERT Open on 15630

UZBEKISTAN vs. GREECE   Radio Free Chosun vs. ERT Open on 15630, Sept.24
1300-1500 on 15630 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to KRE  Korean
1300-1500 on 15630 AVL 100 kW / 105 deg to SoAs Greek, instead of 15650:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Additional frequency of Brother Stair

USA(non)   Additional frequency of Brother Stair via SPL was noted on Sept.23:
1800-1900 on 9400 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu, please check 1600-1800 // 5900

China Radio International via Urumqu and via Bamako on 17630

CHINA   China Radio International via Urumqu and via Bamako on Sept.22/23:
1400-1457 on 17630 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EaEu English, as scheduled A-14
1400-1457 on 17630 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English, instead of French
1500-1557 on 17630 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English, instead of French

Hamburger Lokalradio will have a special shortwave transmission

GERMANY   Hamburger Lokalradio will have a special shortwave transmission
on German Unity Day, October 3rd 2014. Times and frequencies are follows:
0600-1000 on  6190 GOH 150 watts / 230 deg to CeEu German in AM mode
1100-1500 on  7265 GOH 150 watts / 230 deg to CeEu German in AM mode
Reception reports are welcomed and will be confirmed with a QSL card.
Return postage is highly appreciated (one US Dollar from abroad, mint
stamps from national listeners). Postal address: Hamburger Lokalradio
c/o Kulturzentrum Lola, 21031 Hamburg, Germany.

Frequency changes for Voice of Tibet

TIBET(non)   Frequency changes for Voice of Tibet:
1230-1245 NF 15582 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15577
1245-1300 NF 15583 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15582
1315-1330 NF 15547 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542
1330-1345 NF 15547 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542
1345-1400 NF 15547 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15548

All other remain unchanged:
1200-1215 on 15542 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese
1215-1230 on 15548 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese
1300-1315 on 15548 DB  100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese
1300-1330 on 15588 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1330-1400 on 15582 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1400-1415 on 15525 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1400-1430 on 15588 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1415-1430 on 15530 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1430-1445 on 15617 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1445-1500 on 15622 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
All frequencies are jammed by China on xxxx0 / xxxx5
Changes between frequencies vary from 3 to 5 minutes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

BBC changes effective from Sept.20/22

U.K.(non)   BBC changes effective from Sept.20/22:
0700-0730 on 17880 WOF 300 kW / 152 deg to CeAf French, ex MEY 250kW/342deg
1100-1200 on 17755 WOF 100 kW / 107 deg to N/ME English on Sept.24 DRM mode
1300-1400 on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
1300-1400 on 21470 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
1330-1600 on 17780 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa  Sat "Premier League"
1400-1500 on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
1400-1500 on 21470 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
1600-1700 on  6195 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 1500-1600 on same
1600-1700 on 15310 NAK 250 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 1500-1600 on same
2200-2400 on  9915 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WCAf English Mon-Fri, additional
2200-2400 on 12095 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to WeAf English Mon-Fri, additional
Full updated summer A-14 shortwave schedule of BBC may be found here

Upcoming test broadcasts of Radio Taiwan International

TAIWAN   Upcoming test broadcasts of Radio Taiwan International of new
Ampegon transmitter and revolving antennas at Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan:
1600-1700 on October 3-5/10-12 in AM mode & October 17/18 in DRM mode.
Frequency on test broadcasts will be published soon, tentative 11665.


CHINA vs CUBA   China National Radio 1 vs Radio Habana Cuba 1100-1200 UTC
2330-1200 on 17580 LIN 100 kW / 286 deg to EaAs Chinese China Nat.Radio 1
1100-1500 on 17580 HAB 100 kW / 160 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Habana Cuba

GERMANY   European Music Radio transmission on 3rd Sun, September 21:
0800-0900 on  9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English CUSB. Videos

NETHERLANDS(non)   Mighty KBC Radio on September 20/21:
0800-1500 on  6095 NAU 100 kW / 240 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun
0000-0200 on  7375 NAU 125 kW / 300 deg to NoAm English Sun.Videos:

IRELAND(non)  Test transmission of RTÉ Raidio Teilifis Éireann on shortwave
on September 21: 1000-1100 on 15415 to West Europe, probably via Wooferton.
Will be relay programs of Irish Radio-Raidio na Gaeltachta. BUT no signal!!

IRELAND(non)   Reception of RTÉ Irish football final game on Sept.21:
1300-1600 on  7300 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1300-1600 on 17495 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf English
1300-1600 on 17820 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf English

1600-1700 on  7300 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1600-1700 on 11750 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf English
1600-1700 on 17495 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf English

JAPAN(non)   Updated languages schedule of Shiokaze Sea Breeze:
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Mon
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Chinese Tue
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Wed, ex Japanese
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Thu, ex English
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Fri
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Sat
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Sun

1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Mon
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Tue
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Wed, ex Japanese
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Thu, ex English
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Fri
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Sat
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Sun
alt.frequencies: 5910/5985/6120/6135/6175

1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Mon
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Chinese Tue
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Wed, ex Japanese
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Thu, ex English
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Fri
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Sat
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Sun

1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Mon
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Tue
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Wed, ex Japanese
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Thu, ex English
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Fri
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Sat
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Sun
alt.frequencies: 5910/6020/6075/6090/6135

OMAN   Wrong frequency of Radio Sultanate of Oman was noted on Sept.17:
1400-1500 on 15150 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu English,instead of 15140
1500-2200 on 15150*THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, instead of 15140
*co-ch R.Tamazuj/R.Dabanga Sudanese Arabic til 1627; AWR Farsi 1630-1700

Radio Sultanate of Oman was back to its usual frequency on Sept.18:

PAKISTAN   Again surprisingly transmissions of Radio Pakistan on Sept.17:
0500-0700 on 15730 ISL 250 kW / 282 deg to N&ME Urdu, no signal 0600-0700
0500-0700 on 17810 ISL 250 kW / 282 deg to N&ME Urdu, no signal 0600-0700

0830-1100 on 15730 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Urdu, with several breaks
0830-1100 on 17700 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Urdu, with several breaks

1100-1110 on 15730 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu English news,ex 1100-1105
1100-1110 on 17700 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu English news,ex 1100-1105

SOUTH AFRICA    South African Radio League on Sunday, Sept.21:
0800-0900 on 17660 MEY 250 kW / 019 deg to EaAf English. Video

SPAIN   Radio Exterior de España REE will stop broadcasting on shortwave
effective from October 15. Current summer A-14 shortwave schedule of REE
0000-0100 on  6055 NOB 250 kW / 290 deg to NoAm English
0000-0100 on  9535 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish
0000-0100 on  9620 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish
0000-0100 on 15160 NOB 250 kW / 242 deg to CSAm Spanish

0100-0200 on  9535 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish
0100-0200 on  9620 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish
0100-0200 on 15160 NOB 250 kW / 242 deg to CSAm Spanish

0200-0500 on  6125 NOB 250 kW / 242 deg to CSAm Spanish
0200-0500 on  9535 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish
0200-0500 on  9620 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish

0115-0145 on 11795 NOB 250 kW / 248 deg to CSAm Sefardi Tue

0415-0445 on  9650 NOB 250 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Sefardi Tue

0500-0600 on  6125 NOB 250 kW / 242 deg to CSAm Spanish
0500-0600 on  9535 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish
0500-0600 on  9780 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu Spanish DRM

0600-0900 on  9780 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu Spanish DRM

0900-1100 on 15585 NOB 250 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Spanish DRM

1100-1200 on 13720 NOB 250 kW / 000 deg to WeEu Spanish DRM
1100-1200 on 21515 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish
1100-1200 on 21610 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish

1200-1300 on 11910 BEI 500 kW / 138 deg to SEAs Spanish
1200-1300 on 13720 NOB 250 kW / 000 deg to WeEu Spanish DRM
1200-1300 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Mon-Fri
1200-1300 on 21515 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish
1200-1300 on 21610 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish

1300-1400 on 11910 BEI 500 kW / 138 deg to SEAs Spanish
1300-1400 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Mon-Fri
1300-1400 on 21515 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish
1300-1400 on 21610 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish
1300-1400 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish

1400-1500 on 15585 NOB 250 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat/Sun
1400-1500 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish
1400-1500 on 17755 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat
1400-1500 on 21515 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sun-Fri
1400-1500 on 21610 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish
1400-1500 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish

1425-1455 on 15385 NOB 250 kW / 092 deg to N/ME Sefardi Mon

1500-1600 on 15385 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Mon-Fri
1500-1600 on 15585 NOB 250 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat/Sun
1500-1600 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish
1500-1600 on 17755 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat
1500-1600 on 21515 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sun
1500-1600 on 21610 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish
1500-1600 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish

1600-1700 on  7275 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu Spanish Sun
1600-1700 on 15385 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Mon-Fri
1600-1700 on 15585 NOB 250 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat
1600-1700 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish
1600-1700 on 17755 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat
1600-1700 on 21515 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sun
1600-1700 on 21610 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish
1600-1700 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Sat/Sun

1700-1730 on 15325 NOB 250 kW / 068 deg to EaEu Russian Mon-Fri

1700-1800 on  7275 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat/Sun
1700-1800 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish
1700-1800 on 17755 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish
1700-1800 on 17850 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Sat/Sun
1700-1800 on 21610 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Arabic

1800-1900 on  7275 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat/Sun
1800-1900 on  9665 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu French Mon-Fri
1800-1900 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Sat/Sun
1800-1900 on 17755 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish
1800-1900 on 17850 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish
1800-1900 on 21610 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Arabic

1900-2000 on  7275 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat/Sun
1900-2000 on  9570 NOB 250 kW / 170 deg to CeAf French Sat
1900-2000 on  9570 NOB 250 kW / 170 deg to NWAf Arabic Mon-Fri
1900-2000 on  9665 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu English Mon-Fri
1900-2000 on 11615 NOB 250 kW / 168 deg to NWAf English Mon-Fri
1900-2000 on 12015 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to NEAf French Sun
1900-2000 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Sat/Sun
1900-2000 on 15385 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Portuguese Mon-Fri
1900-2000 on 17755 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat/Sun
1900-2000 on 17850 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish

2000-2100 on  7275 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat/Sun
2000-2100 on  9570 NOB 250 kW / 170 deg to NWAf Arabic
2000-2100 on  9685 NOB 250 kW / 110 deg to NEAf French Mon-Fri
2000-2100 on 11615 NOB 250 kW / 168 deg to NWAf French Mon-Fri
2000-2100 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Sat/Sun
2000-2100 on 17755 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat/Sun
2000-2100 on 17850 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish

2100-2200 on  7275 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat/Sun
2100-2200 on  9570 NOB 250 kW / 170 deg to NWAf Arabic Sat/Sun
2100-2200 on  9660 NOB 250 kW / 038 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun
2100-2200 on 17595 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Portuguese Mon-Fri
2100-2200 on 17715 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Sat/Sun
2100-2200 on 17755 NOB 250 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat/Sun
2100-2200 on 17850 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish

2200-2300 on  9570 NOB 250 kW / 170 deg to NWAf Spanish
2200-2300 on 17850 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Sat/Sun

2300-2400 on  6055 NOB 250 kW / 290 deg to NoAm French
2300-2400 on  6155 NOB 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu French Sat/Sun
2300-2400 on  9535 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish
2300-2400 on  9620 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish
2300-2400 on 15160 NOB 250 kW / 242 deg to CSAm Spanish

USA(non)   Frequency change of Radio Liberty in Russian:
0300-0400 NF  6105 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu, ex  9635 // 7435 BIB, 17770 PHT
0400-0500 on  9635 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu unchanged // 7435 BIB, 11850 LAM
0500-0700 on  9635 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu unchanged //11850 LAM, 17770 KWT

USA(non)   Frequency change of Radio Liberty in Avari/Chechen/Chercassian
0300-0400 NF  7290 LAM 100 kW / 092 deg to CeAs, ex 11850 from Sept.15//9740 BIB

USA(non)   Additional transmission of Brother Stair via SPL was noted on Sept.20:
1800-2100 on  5900 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu. Four videos from September 20/22

Sunday, September 21, 2014

South African Radio League on Sunday, September 21

SOUTH AFRICA    South African Radio League on Sunday, Sept.21:
0800-0900 on 17660 MEY 250 kW / 019 deg to EaAf English. Video

European Music Radio on Sunday, September 21

GERMANY   European Music Radio transmission on 3rd Sun, September 21:
0800-0900 on  9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English CUSB. Videos

Mighty KBC Radio on September 20/21

NETHERLANDS(non)   Mighty KBC Radio on September 20/21:
0800-1500 on  6095 NAU 100 kW / 240 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun
0000-0200 on  7375 NAU 125 kW / 300 deg to NoAm English Sun.Videos:

Additional transmission of Brother Stair

USA(non)   Additional frequencies of Brother Stair /TOM/ via SPL Secretbrod:
1500-1900 on  9400 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English
1800-2100 on  5900 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English. Videos on Sept.20-24

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Test transmission of RTÉ Raidio Teilifis Éireann on shortwave

IRELAND(non)  Test transmission of RTÉ Raidio Teilifis Éireann on shortwave
on September 21: 1000-1100 on 15415 to West Europe, probably via Woofferton
Will be relay programs of Irish Radio - Raidio na Gaeltachta. BUT no signal

Updated languages schedule of Shiokaze Sea Breeze

JAPAN(non)   Updated languages schedule of Shiokaze Sea Breeze:
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Mon
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Chinese Tue
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Wed, ex Japanese
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Thu, ex English
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Fri
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Sat
1330-1400 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Sun

1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Mon
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Tue
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Wed, ex Japanese
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Thu, ex English
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Fri
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Sat
1400-1430 on  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Sun
alt.frequencies: 5910/5985/6120/6135/6175

1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Mon
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Chinese Tue
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Wed, ex Japanese
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Thu, ex English
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Fri
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Sat
1600-1630 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Sun

1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Mon
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Tue
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Wed, ex Japanese
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Thu, ex English
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Fri
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Japanese Sat
1630-1700 on  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE  Korean Sun
alt.frequencies: 5910/6020/6075/6090/6135

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Radio Sultanate of Oman was back to its usual frequency 15140

OMAN   Radio Sultanate of Oman was back to its usual frequency on Sept.18:
1400-1500 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu English,instead of 15150 Sept.17
1500-2200 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, instead of 15150 Sept.17

Schedule of RTÉ Irish football great final game on Sept.21

IRELAND(non)   RTÉ Irish football great final game will
be broadcast on shortwave on September 21 as follows:
1300-1600 on  7300 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1300-1600 on 17495 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf English
1300-1600 on 17820 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf English

1600-1700 on  7300 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English
1600-1700 on 11750 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf English
1600-1700 on 17495 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf English

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wrong or new frequency of Radio Sultanate of Oman was noted on Sept.17

OMAN   Wrong or new frequency of Radio Sultanate of Oman was noted on Sept.17:
1400-1500 on 15150 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu English, probably, not checked
1500-2200 on 15150*THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, instead of 15140
*co-ch R.Tamazuj/R.Dabanga Sudanese Arabic til 1627; AWR Farsi 1630-1700

Again surprisingly transmissions of Radio Pakistan on Sept.17

PAKISTAN   Again surprisingly transmissions of Radio Pakistan on Sept.17:
0500-0700 on 15730 ISL 250 kW / 282 deg to N&ME Urdu, no signal 0600-0700
0500-0700 on 17810 ISL 250 kW / 282 deg to N&ME Urdu, no signal 0600-0700

0830-1100 on 15730 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Urdu, with several breaks
0830-1100 on 17700 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Urdu, with several breaks

1100-1110 on 15730 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu English news,ex 1100-1105
1100-1110 on 17700 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu English news,ex 1100-1105

China National Radio 1 vs Radio Habana Cuba 1100-1200 UTC on 17580

CHINA vs CUBA   China National Radio 1 vs Radio Habana Cuba 1100-1200 UTC
2330-1200 on 17580 LIN 100 kW / 286 deg to EaAs Chinese China Nat.Radio 1
1100-1500 on 17580 HAB 100 kW / 160 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Habana Cuba

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Clandestine and other target broadcasts via Issoudun & Madagascar on Sept.13
Radio Xoriyo:
1600-1630 on 17630 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat
Transmissions are jammed by Ethiopia with white noise like broadband DRM

Oromo Voice Radio (Raadiyoo Sagalee Oromoo):
1600-1630 on 17850 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Oromo/English Mon/Wed/Sat
Transmissions are jammed by Ethiopia with white noise like broadband DRM

Radio Dialogue FM:
1600-1700 on 12105 MDC 250 kW / 265 deg to ZWE  Shona/Ndebele/English

Radio Inyabutatu:
1600-1700 on 17500 ISS 100 kW / 144 deg to CEAf Kinyarwanda Sat

Radio Hilaac:
1700-1730 on 15180 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Sat-Thu

Radio Assenna:
1700-1800 on 15245 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Mon/Thu/Sat

Radio Impala, Radio Mara:
1700-1800 on 17540 MDC 250 kW / 310 deg to SoAf Kinyarawanda

Radio Eritrean Forum EYSC:
1800-1900 on 15245 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Arabic Sat

Lutheran World Federation, Voice of Gospel, Sawtu Linjilia
1830-1900 on 15315 ISS 500 kW / 180 deg to WCAf Fulfulde

More two clandestine broadcasts via Kostinbrod and Issoudun on Sept.14/15:
Dimtse Radio Erena:
1700-1730 on 11855 SOF 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo

Voice of Oromo Liberation:
1700-1800 on 13830 ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo Sun
1700-1730 on 13830 ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo Wed
1730-1800 on 13830 ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Amharic Wed

Radio Xoriyo:
1600-1630 on 17870 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Mon/Fri
Transmissions are jammed by Ethiopia with white noise like broadband DRM

Oromo Voice Radio, Raadiyoo Sagalee Oromoo
1600-1630 on 17850 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Oromo/English Mon/Wed/Sat
Transmissions are jammed by Ethiopia with white noise like broadband DRM

ETHIOPIA/NIGERIA    Observations of four African stations on Sept.13:
Voice of Tigray Ravolution
0300-2000 on  5950 GEJ 100 kW / non-dir to ETH  Tigrinya, co-ch VIRI IRIB in Tajik

Radio Oromiya, back on the air
0300-2000 on  6030 GEJ 100 kW / non-dir to ETH  Afar Oromo

Fana Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Fana
0300-2100 on  6110 AAB 100 kW / non-dir to ETH  Amharic

Radio Nigeria Kaduna
0400-2300 on  6090 KDN 100 kW / non-dir to WeAf Hausa

FRANCE(non)   Observations of Radio Republica on Sept.7 and Sept.11:
0100-0200 on  9490 ISS 250 kW / 275 deg to Cuba Spanish without jamming
0200-0300 on  9490 ISS 250 kW / 275 deg to Cuba Spanish + Cuban jamming

FRANCE(non)   RFI in Portuguese on five frequencies on Saturday, Sept.13:
1700-1733 on  9755 MEY 100 kW / 330 deg to SoAf Portuguese, as scheduled
1700-1733 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French, as scheduled
1700-1733 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1733 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1733 on 17620 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WCAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1733 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf Portuguese, instead of French

1733-1800 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French, as scheduled
1733-1800 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf Music, instead of French
1733-1800 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf Music, instead of French
1733-1800 on 17620 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WCAf Music, instead of French
1733-1800 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf Music, instead of French. Videos

JAPAN(non)   Shiokaze Sea Breeze with broadcast in Japanese on Thu, Sept.11 
1600-1700 on 6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, instead of English. Video:

PAKISTAN    Surprisingly broadcasts of Radio Pakistan on Sept.15, scheduled:
0830-1105 on 15730 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Urdu, but off at 0850
0830-1105 on 17700 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Urdu, but off at 0850. Video

Back on the air again around 1030 and off at 1050 on 15730 and 17700. Video:

SPAIN   Wrong frequency of Radio Exterior de Espana was noted on Sept.15
0500-0600 on  6055 NOB 250 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Spanish, instead of 6125
0500-0600 on  9535 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish. Two videos:

U.K.(non)   Changes of Radio Australia via BABCOCK effective from Sept.1:
0000-0030 on 12005 SNG 100 kW / 340 deg to SEAs Burmese Mon-Fri, ex Daily
0000-0030 on 12005 SNG 100 kW / 340 deg to SEAs English Sat/Sun
0100-0130 on 11780 SNG 100 kW / 340 deg to SEAs Burmese Mon-Fri, ex Daily
0100-0130 on 11780 SNG 100 kW / 340 deg to SEAs English Sat/Sun
2300-2330 on  5955 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SEAs Burmese Sun-Thu, ex Daily
2300-2330 on  5955 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SEAs English Fri/Sat

U.K.(non)   Live broadcast of BBC on shortwave - Arsenal vs Manchester City:
1130-1400 on 17600 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa  Sat, instead of 17780
1130-1400 on 21660 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat, instead of 17830

USA(non)   Frequency changes of IBB:
Radio Liberty
0300-0700 NF  6105 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian, ex 9635, but not yet

Voice of America
0500-0600 on 11995 SMG 250 kW / 114 deg to WeAs Kurdish, cancelled
0500-0600 on 15560 IRA 250 kW / 310 deg to WeAs Kurdish, cancelled
0500-0600 on 17870 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg to WeAs Kurdish, cancelled
1700-1800 NF  7215 BIB 100 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 7365. Video:
1900-1930 NF  9590 SAO 100 kW / 052 deg to SDN  Arabic Afia Darfur, ex 9600. Videos
1900-2000 on  6170 BIB 100 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Kurdish, new transmission
1900-2000 on  7220 LAM 100 kW / 108 deg to WeAs Kurdish, new transmission
1900-2000 on  9470 LAM 100 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Kurdish, new transmission. Videos:
1900-2100 NF  7470 PHT 250 kW / 021 deg to EaAs Korean, ex 5915, re-ex 5900

Radio Free Asia
2200-2300 NF 15260 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Mon, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15270 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Tue, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15280 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Wed, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15290 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Thu, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15300 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Fri, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15380 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Sat, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15390 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Sun, ex 15120

Monday, September 15, 2014

Surprisingly broadcasts of Radio Pakistan on Sept.15

PAKISTAN    Surprisingly broadcasts of Radio Pakistan on Sept.15, scheduled:
0830-1105 on 15730 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Urdu, but off at 0857
0830-1105 on 17700 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Urdu, but off at 0857. Video

Wrong frequency of Radio Exterior de Espana was noted on Sept.15

SPAIN   Wrong frequency of Radio Exterior de Espana was noted on Sept.15
0500-0600 on  6055 NOB 250 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Spanish, instead of 6125
0500-0600 on  9535 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish. Two videos:

More two clandestine broadcasts via Kostinbrod and Issoudun

More two clandestine broadcasts via Kostinbrod and Issoudun on Sept.14:
Dimtse Radio Erena:
1700-1730 on 11855 SOF 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo

Voice of Oromo Liberation:
1700-1800 on 13830 ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo Sun
1700-1730 on 13830 ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo Wed
1730-1800 on 13830 ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Amharic Wed

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Observations of four African stations on Sept.13

ETHIOPIA/NIGERIA    Observations of four African stations on Sept.13:
Voice of Tigray Ravolution
0300-2000 on  5950 GEJ 100 kW / non-dir to ETH  Tigrinya, co-ch VIRI IRIB in Tajik

Radio Oromiya, back on the air
0300-2000 on  6030 GEJ 100 kW / non-dir to ETH  Afar Oromo

Fana Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Fana
0300-2100 on  6110 AAB 100 kW / non-dir to ETH  Amharic

Radio Nigeria Kaduna
0400-2300 on  6090 KDN 100 kW / non-dir to WeAf Hausa

Clandestine and other target broadcasts via Issoudun and Madagascar

Clandestine and other target broadcasts via Issoudun & Madagascar on Sept.13
Radio Xoriyo:
1600-1630 on 17630 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat
Transmissions are jammed by Ethiopia with white noise like broadband DRM

Oromo Voice Radio (Raadiyoo Sagalee Oromoo):
1600-1630 on 17850 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Oromo/English Mon/Wed/Sat
Transmissions are jammed by Ethiopia with white noise like broadband DRM

Radio Dialogue FM:
1600-1700 on 12105 MDC 250 kW / 265 deg to ZWE  Shona/Ndebele/English

Radio Inyabutatu:
1600-1700 on 17500 ISS 100 kW / 144 deg to CEAf Kinyarwanda Sat

Radio Hilaac:
1700-1730 on 15180 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Sat-Thu

Radio Assenna:
1700-1800 on 15245 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Mon/Thu/Sat

Radio Impala, Radio Mara:
1700-1800 on 17540 MDC 250 kW / 310 deg to SoAf Kinyarawanda

Eritrean Forum EYSC:
1800-1900 on 15245 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Arabic Sat

Lutheran World Federation, Voice of Gospel, Sawtu Linjilia:
1830-1900 on 15315 ISS 500 kW / 180 deg to WCAf Fulfulde

RFI in Portuguese on five frequencies on Saturday, Sept.13

FRANCE(non)   RFI in Portuguese on five frequencies on Saturday, Sept.13:
1700-1733 on  9755 MEY 100 kW / 330 deg to SoAf Portuguese, as scheduled
1700-1733 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French, as scheduled
1700-1733 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1733 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1733 on 17620 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WCAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1733 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf Portuguese, instead of French

1733-1800 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French, as scheduled
1733-1800 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf Music, instead of French
1733-1800 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf Music, instead of French
1733-1800 on 17620 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WCAf Music, instead of French
1733-1800 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf Music, instead of French

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Live broadcast of BBC on shortwave - Arsenal vs Manchester City

U.K.(non)   Live broadcast of BBC on shortwave - Arsenal vs Manchester City on Sept.13:
1130-1400 on 17600 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa  Sat, instead of 17780
1130-1400 on 21660 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat, instead of 17830

Friday, September 12, 2014

Radio Republica on Sept.7 and Sept.11

FRANCE(non)   Observations of Radio Republica on Sept.7 and Sept.11:
0100-0200 on  9490 ISS 250 kW / 275 deg to Cuba Spanish without jamming
0200-0300 on  9490 ISS 250 kW / 275 deg to Cuba Spanish + Cuban jamming

Shiokaze Sea Breeze with broadcast in Japanese on Thu, Sept.11

JAPAN(non)   Shiokaze Sea Breeze with broadcast in Japanese on Thu, Sept.11 
1600-1700 on 6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, instead of English. Video:

Changes of Radio Australia via BABCOCK effective from Sept.1

U.K.(non)   Changes of Radio Australia via BABCOCK effective from Sept.1:
0000-0030 on 12005 SNG 100 kW / 340 deg to SEAs Burmese Mon-Fri, ex Daily
0000-0030 on 12005 SNG 100 kW / 340 deg to SEAs English Sat/Sun
0100-0130 on 11780 SNG 100 kW / 340 deg to SEAs Burmese Mon-Fri, ex Daily
0100-0130 on 11780 SNG 100 kW / 340 deg to SEAs English Sat/Sun
2300-2330 on  5955 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SEAs Burmese Sun-Thu, ex Daily
2300-2330 on  5955 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SEAs English Fri/Sat

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Frequency changes of IBB effective from Sept.14

USA(non)   Frequency changes of IBB effective from Sept.14:
Radio Liberty
0300-0700 NF  6105 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian, ex 9635. And co-channel
0400-0500 on  6105 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Belarussian service of R.Liberty

Voice of America
0500-0600 on 11995 SMG 250 kW / 114 deg to WeAs Kurdish till Sept.14
0500-0600 on 15560 IRA 250 kW / 310 deg to WeAs Kurdish till Sept.14
0500-0600 on 17870 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg to WeAs Kurdish till Sept.14
1700-1800 NF  7215 BIB 100 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 7365
1900-1930 NF  9590 SAO 100 kW / 052 deg to SDN  Arabic Afia Darfur, ex 9600
1900-2000 on  6170 BIB 100 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Kurdish from Sept.15
1900-2000 on  7220 LAM 100 kW / 108 deg to WeAs Kurdish from Sept.15
1900-2000 on  9470 LAM 100 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Kurdish from Sept.15
1900-2100 NF  7470 PHT 250 kW / 021 deg to EaAs Korean, ex 5915, re-ex 5900

Radio Free Asia from July 11
2200-2300 NF 15260 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Mon, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15270 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Tue, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15280 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Wed, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15290 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Thu, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15300 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Fri, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15380 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Sat, ex 15120
2200-2300 NF 15390 TIN 250 kW / 280 deg to EaAs Cantonese Sun, ex 15120

Updated schedule of WBCQ The Planet effective from Sept.7

USA   Updated schedule of WBCQ The Planet effective from Sept.7:
0000-0100 on  5110vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English CUSB Sat
0000-0100 on  9330 BCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English CUSB Sat
0000-0200 on  7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Sun
0000-0300 on  7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Mon-Sat Brother Stair till Sept.30
0100-0400 on  5110vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English CUSB Sun/Mon
0300-0400 on  7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Daily
1400-1700 on 15420 BCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English CUSB Sat Brother Stair till Sept.27
1700-2100 on 15420 BCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English CUSB Daily
1900-2000 on  7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Tue
2000-2100 on  7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Mon-Fri
2100-2200 on  7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Sun-Fri
2200-2400 on  7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Daily
2300-2400 on  5110vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English CUSB Sat/Sun

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

31 meters bandscan

Here's a quick shortwave bandscan from a few hours ago I made with my portable shortwave receiver. It shows that the shortwave bands are still very busy, especially at the prime time hours in Asia.

Date: 9th September 2014
Time: 1600-1700 UTC

Receiver: Sony ICF-7600D
Antenna: 20 metres of insulated wire

  • 9310 - VOA Deewa Radio - Pashto - Udon Thani - 4
  • 9320 - VOA - Burmese - Tinian - 3
  • 9335 - VOA Deewa Radio - Pashto - Iranawila - 4
  • 9355 - VOA Deewa Radio - Pashto - Udon Thani - 5
  • 9370 - CNR-1 Jammer - 4
  • 9370 - Radio Free Asia in Uighur -  Dushanbe - 2
  • 9410 - BBC World Service - English - A'Seela - 3 (with strong Chinese noise jamming)
  • 9410 - CNR-5 in Mandarin - Beijing - 2
  • 9420 - CNR-13 in Uighur - Lingshi - 4
  • 9420 - CNR-6 in Mandarin - Beijing - 2
  • 9425 - Voice of Korea - German - Kujang - 4
  • 9435 - Voice of Korea - French - Kujang - 2
  • 9445 - IRIB VOIRI - Arabic - Kamalabad - 4
  • 9455 - CNR-1 Jammer - 4
  • 9455 - Radio Free Asia - Mandarin - Saipan - 2
  • 9460 - Voice of Turkey - Turkish - Emirler - 5
  • 9475 - Radio Australia - English - Shepparton - 4
  • 9490 - BBC - Hindi - A'Seela - 3
  • 9500 - Radio Romania International - French - Tiganesti - 4
  • 9515 - KBS World Radio - English - Kimjae - 4
  • 9526 - Voice of Indonesia - Arabic - Jakarta - 4
  • 9530 - Voice of Turkey - Azeri - Emirler - 5
  • 9540 - Radio Australia - English - Kranji - 4
  • 9550 - China Radio International - Vietnamese - Beijing - 2
  • 9555 - CNR-1 Jammer - 3
  • 9555 - Radio Free Asia - Uighur - Al-Dhabbaya - 2
  • 9565 - CNR-1 Jammer - 3
  • 9565 - Voice of America - Tibetan - Udon Thani - 3
  • 9570 - China Radio International - English - 3
  • 9575 - Medi Internationale - Arabic - Nador - 2
  • 9580 - IRIB VOIRI  - Bengali - Kamalabad - 5
  • 9595 - All India Radio - Russian - Bangalore - 5
  • 9605 - BBC - Hindi - Kranji - 5
  • 9620 - All India Radio - Pashto - Aligarh - 4
  • 9630 - CNR-8 - Kazakh - Lingshi - 4
  • 9640 - KBS World Radio - English - 4
  • 9655 - IRIB VOIRI - Armenian - Sirjan - 5
  • 9665 - China Radio International - Hausa - Kinming - 3
  • 9680 - CNR-1 Jammer - 5
  • 9680 - Radio Taiwan International - Chinese - Paochung - 4
  • 9696 - CNR-1 Jammer - 4
  • 9695 - Radio Free Asia - Mandarin - Agignan Point - 3
  • 9720 - Deutsche Welle - Amharic - Kigali - 4
  • 9730 - Voice of Vietnam - Russian - Sontay - 5
  • 9740 - KBS World Radio - Korean - Kimjae - 5
  • 9745 - Guanghua zhi Sheng - Chinese - Kuanyin - 3
  • 9750 - Radio Japan - Japanese - Yamata - 5
  • 9760 - Radio Free Europe - Tajik - Al-Kuwait - 3
  • 9770 - China Radio International - Hakka - Urumqi - 4
  • 9790 - Radio Ashna - Pashto - Tinang - 3
  • 9810 - Radio Romania International - Romanian - Galbeni - 4 (+RTTY QRM)
  • 9820 - IBRA Radio - Tigriniya - Al-Dhabbaya - 4
  • 9830 - Adventist World Radio - Bulgarian - Nauen - 5
  • 9840 - Radio Liberty - Russian - Lamperthein - 4
  • 9860 - China National Radio 1 - Chinese - Beijing - 5
  • 9870 - AIR New Delhi - Hindi - Bengaluru - 4
  • 9885 - BSKSA Foreign Service - Uzbek - Riyadh - 3
  • 9890 - Voice of Korea - English - Kimjae - 3
  • 9890 - CNR-13 - Uighur - Lingshi - 3
  • 9900 - BBC - Sinhalese - Kranji - 3 (+RTTY QRM)
  • 9940 - Radio Free Asia - Burmese - Iranawila - 2
  • 9975 - CNR-1 Jammer - 4
  • 9975 - Radio Free Asia - Uighur - Tinian - 2
  • 9996 - RWM Time Signal Station - 5
  • 10000 - BPM Time Signal Station - 3
Total: 65 stations at a time, most of them with a fair to good signal quality, received using a cheap world band portable receiver and random wire antenna
Conclusion: Shortwave is still alive and going strong!


1400-1500 on  9750 KBD 300 kW / 286 deg to NEAf Arabic General Sce R.Kuwait
1400-1500 on  9750 YAM 300 kW / 290 deg to EaAs Japanese R.Japan NHK World

1500-1600 on 11710 BEI 100 kW / 285 deg to CHN  Chinese CNR-1
1500-1557 on 11710 KUJ 200 kW / 028 deg to NoAm English Voice of Korea

1500-1557 on 15245 KAS 500 kW / 308 deg to WeEu English CRI
1500-1557 on 15245 KUJ 200 kW / 325 deg to WeEu English Voice of Korea

1600-1657 on 13760 KAS 500 kW / 308 deg to WeEu English CRI
1600-1657 on 13760 KUJ 200 kW / 325 deg to WeEu French Voice of Korea

1500-1557 on 12015 KUJ 200 kW / 325 deg to EaEu Russian Voice of Korea
1530-1600 on 12015vU-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EaAs English Voice of Mongolia

1700-1800 on 15245 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Mon/Thu/Sat Radio Assenna
1700-1800 on 15245 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Tue/Fri/Sun Eritrean Forum
1700-1800 on 15245 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Arabic Wed Eritrean Forum
1700-1750 on 15245 KUJ 200 kW / 325 deg to WeEu Korean KCBS Voice of Korea

1700-1757 on 12015 BEI 500 kW / 318 deg to WeEu English CRI
1700-1757 on 12015 KUJ 200 kW / 325 deg to EaEu Russian Voice of Korea

1700-1757 on 13640 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EaEu Russian CRI
1615-1730 on 13640 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Farsi All India Radio

1800-1856 on  9500 TIG 300 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Romanian R.Romania Inter
1800-1900 on  9500 MAN 100 kW / 013 deg to EaAf English TWR Africa

2000-2057 on  6100 XIA 500 kW / 292 deg to NEAf Arabic CRI
2000-2030 on  6100 BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu German Inter.Radio Serbia

GERMANY(non)   MV Baltic Radio and Radio Joystick via Media Broadcast on Sept.7
MV Baltic Radio
0800-0900 on  6140 tx Nauen or Issoudun to CeEu English/German/Music Special px
Radio Joystick
1000-1100 on  7330 MOS 100 kW / 283 deg to CeEu English/German/Music 1st Sunday

FRANCE(non)   Frequency changes of Radio France Internationale from Aug.31:
0600-0630 NF 11995 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WCAf Hausa, ex 15340 //
0600-0630 on 13750 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WCAf Hausa

1200-1300 NF 21690 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WCAf French, ex 17620 //
1200-1300 on 17620 ISS 500 kW / 200 deg to NWAf French
1200-1300 on 17660 MEY 250 kW / 342 deg to CeAf French
1200-1300 on 21580 ISS 500 kW / 155 deg to CeAf French

1500-1600 NF 15630 ISS 500 kW / 065 deg to SEAs Vietnamese, ex 17810. Videos

FRANCE(non)   RFI in Portuguese on four frequencis on Saturday, Sept.6:
1700-1730 on  9755 MEY 100 kW / 330 deg to SoAf Portuguese, as scheduled
1700-1730 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French, as scheduled
1700-1730 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1730 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1730 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf Portuguese, instead of French

1730-1800 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French, as scheduled
1730-1800 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf Music, instead of French
1730-1800 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf Music, instead of French
1730-1800 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf Music, instead of French

IRAN   Frequency changes of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran IRIB:
0023-0220 NF  9510 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to NEAf Arabic, ex  9420 to avoid ERT Gr
0023-0220 NF 12025 KAM 500 kW / 274 deg to SoAm Spanish,ex 11760 to avoid RHC Sp
0023-0220 on  9860 KAM 500 kW / 259 deg to SoAm Spanish. Two videos from Sept.7:

Upcoming frequency changes of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran IRIB:
1423-1520 NF 13650 KAM 500 kW / 058 deg to CeAs Russian, ex 13650//11825,13800
1753-1850 NF  7230 KAM 500 kW / 304 deg to EaEu Russian, ex 7350 // 5920
1923-2020 NF 11985 SIR 500 kW / 313 deg to WeEu English, ex 7315 // 9400,9715,11885

JAPAN(non)   Frequency changes of Shiokaze Sea Breeze effective from Sep.1:
1330-1430 NF  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5985 Japanese Mon/Wed
1330-1430 NF  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5985 Chinese/Korean Tue
1330-1430 NF  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5985 English Thu
1330-1430 NF  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5985 Korean Fri
1330-1430 NF  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5985 Korean/Japanese Sat
1330-1430 NF  6020 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5985 Japanese/Korean Sun
altternative: 5910/5985/6120/6135/6175

1600-1700 NF  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 6090 Japanese Mon/Wed
1600-1700 NF  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 6090 Chinese/Korean Tue
1600-1700 NF  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 6090 English Thu
1600-1700 NF  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 6090 Korean Fri
1600-1700 NF  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 6090 Korean/Japanese Sat
1600-1700 NF  6165 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 6090 Japanese/Korean Sun
altternative: 5910/6020/6075/6090/6135

SARAWAK(non)   Frequency change of Radio Free Sarawak from Sept.2:
1100-1145 NF 15430 PUG 125 kW / 222 deg to SEAs Iban Mon-Sat, ex 15425
1145-1230 NF 15420 PUG 125 kW / 222 deg to SEAs Iban Mon-Sat, ex 15425
1230-1245 on 15420 PUG 125 kW / 222 deg to SEAs Iban Mon-Sat, on Sep.4

SPAIN vs FRANCE   REE in Spanish via Noblejas vs RFI in French via Issoudun
1700-1800 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf French RFI
1700-1800 on 17850 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Sat/Sun REE
1800-1900 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf French RFI
1800-1900 on 17850 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish REE

U.K.(non)   New schedule for the special Saturday football programs of BBC:
1300-1400 on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1300-1400 on 21470 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1330-1600 on 17780 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa  Sat
1400-1500 on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1400-1500 on 21470 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1500-1600 on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1500-1600 on 21470 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1130-1400 on 17600 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa  Sat
1130-1300 on 17870 SLA 250 kW / 220 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1130-1300 on 21660 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1300-1400 on 15420 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat
1300-1400 on 17870 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat

USA   WRMI observations on Friday, Sep.5:
2100-2200 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Brother Stair
2100-2200 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Worldof Radio
2200-2300 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio  Africa

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri Echo of Europe
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri European News Net
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri Blues Radio Inter

USA   WRMI broadcasts on Saturday 2100-2200 on 15770 and 2300-2400 on 11580:
2100-2115 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat End Times Coming
2115-2130 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat Echo of Europe
2130-2200 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat Walking in Power

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat Echo of Europe
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat European News Net
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat From Moscow with Love

Updated schedule of transmissions 2300-2400 on 11580 from September 9 is:
2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Mon European News Network
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Mon Moments in Bible Prophecy
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Mon Rock Radio

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Tue European News Network
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Tue Moments in Bible Prophecy
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Spanish Tue Hisroria de Radio

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Wed European News Network
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Wed Moments in Bible Prophecy
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Wed Wavescan

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Thu European News Network
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Thu Moments in Bible Prophecy
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Thu World of Radio

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri End Times Coming
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri Moments in Bible Prophecy
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri Blues Radio Inter

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat Echo of Europe
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat European News Network
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat From Moscow with Love

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sun Echo of Europe
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sun European News Network.
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sun Wavescan

USA   WTWW-3 on 12105 relay Brother Stair on Sept.6/7, instead of WTWW-2 on 9930 
1700-1900 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide English
1900-2000 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Spanish
2000-2100 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Portuguese
2100-2200 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide French
2200-2300 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Arabic 
2300-2400 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Youruba
0000-0100 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Russian
0100-0200 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide English

YEMEN   Radio Sana'a in English was back on shortwave after break on Aug.19
1800-1900 on 6135 ALH 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME. Two videos from September 4

Sunday, September 7, 2014

WTWW-3 on 12105 Brother Stair on Sept.6/7, instead of WTWW-2 on 9930

USA   WTWW-3 on 12105 relay Brother Stair on Sept.6/7, instead of WTWW-2 on 9930
1700-1900 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide English
1900-2000 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Spanish
2000-2100 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Portuguese
2100-2200 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide French
2200-2300 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Arabic 
2300-2400 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Youruba
0000-0100 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide Russian
0100-0200 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm, not Bible World Wide English

All-Ireland hurling final on shortwave

In Africa, where many Irish people live and work, often in relative isolation with poor communications, RTÉ is providing special transmissions on shortwave radio.

Throw-in 1530 (Irish time)
Southern Africa
1300-1700 UTC, 100 kW, 7300 kHz
East Africa
1300-1600 UTC, 250 kW, 17820 kHz
1600-1700 UTC, 100 kW, 11750 kHz
West Africa
1300-1700 UTC, 300 kW, 17495 kHz

Frequency changes of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran IRIB

IRAN   Frequency changes of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran IRIB:
0023-0220 NF  9510 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to NEAf Arabic, ex  9420 to avoid ERT Gr
0023-0220 NF 12025 KAM 500 kW / 274 deg to SoAm Spanish,ex 11760 to avoid RHC Sp
0023-0220 on  9860 KAM 500 kW / 259 deg to SoAm Spanish. Two videos from Sept.7:

Upcoming frequency changes of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran IRIB:
1423-1520 NF 13650 KAM 500 kW / 058 deg to CeAs Russian, ex 13650//11825,13800
1753-1850 NF  7230 KAM 500 kW / 304 deg to EaEu Russian, ex 7350 // 5920
1923-2020 NF 11985 SIR 500 kW / 313 deg to WeEu English, ex 7315 // 9400,9715,11885

MV Baltic Radio and Radio Joystick via Media Broadcast on Sept.7

GERMANY(non)   MV Baltic Radio and Radio Joystick via Media Broadcast on Sept.7
MV Baltic Radio
0800-0900 on  6140 tx Nauen or Issoudun to CeEu English/German/Music Special px
Radio Joystick
1000-1100 on  7330 MOS 100 kW / 283 deg to CeEu English/German/Music 1st Sunday

WRMI broadcasts on Saturday 2100-2200 on 15770 and 2300-2400 on 11580

USA   WRMI broadcasts on Saturday 2100-2200 on 15770 and 2300-2400 on 11580:
2100-2115 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat End Times Coming
2115-2130 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat Echo of Europe
2130-2200 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat Walking in Power

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat Echo of Europe
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat European News Net
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat From Moscow with Love

RFI in Portuguese on four frequencies on Saturday, Sept.6

FRANCE(non)   RFI in Portuguese on four frequencies on Saturday, Sept.6:
1700-1733 on  9755 MEY 100 kW / 330 deg to SoAf Portuguese, as scheduled
1700-1730 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French, as scheduled
1700-1733 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1733 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf Portuguese, instead of French
1700-1733 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf Portuguese, instead of French

1730-1800 on  9800 MEY 100 kW / 350 deg to WCAf French, as scheduled
1733-1800 on 13740 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to WeAf Music, instead of French
1733-1800 on 15300 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NWAf Music, instead of French
1733-1800 on 17850 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg to CeAf Music, instead of French

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Other WRMI observations on Friday, Sep.5

USA   Other WRMI observations on Friday, Sep.5:
2100-2200 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Brother Stair/TOM/
2100-2200 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English WOR at 2130 on Fri
2200-2300 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa Netw.

New schedule of WRMI tx#4 2300-2400 on 11580, three videos on Fri, Sep.5

USA   New schedule of WRMI tx#4 2300-2400 on 11580, instead of Family Radio Spanish:
2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat Echo of Europe, tent.
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat European News Net, tent.
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sat not checked by me

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sun Echo of Europe, tent.
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sun European News Net, tent.
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sun not checked by me

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Mon Echo of Europe, tent.
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Mon European News Net, tent.
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Mon not checked by me

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Tue Echo of Europe, tent.
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Tue European News Net, tent.
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Tue not checked by me

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Wed Echo of Europe
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Wed European News Net
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Wed Wavescan

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Thu Echo of Europe
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Thu European News Net
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Thu World of Radio

2300-2315 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri Echo of Europe
2315-2330 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri European News Net
2330-2400 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Fri Blues Radio Inter

RTÉ Radio 1 Special shortwave broadcast to Africa on September 7

Wherever you are in the world this weekend, you can follow all the action in this year’s All-Ireland Hurling Final with RTÉ Sport.

Sunday Sport on RTÉ Radio 1 will be live from 2pm for coverage of the All-Ireland final.
*A specially extended programme on RTÉ Radio 1 Extra on Longwave will be live from 1300 for full commentary on the All-Ireland minor final (throw-in 1315).

RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta will also have match coverage on the big day on Spórt on Lae from 1315 and will have further reaction on Spórt an Domhnaigh from 1900.
All radio streams will be available worldwide on RTÉ.ie.
Ireland: At home, audiences can listen as usual to the GAA finals on RTÉ Radio 1 FM, DAB, RTÉ.ie and on Longwave 252.
Britain: Across most of Britain, listeners can receive our coverage on Long Wave 252. In addition RTÉ Radio 1 is available on the UK free to air satellite platform Freesat on channel 750.

Shortwave to Africa
In Africa, where many Irish people live and work, often in relative isolation with poor communications, RTÉ is providing special transmissions on shortwave radio.

Throw-in 1530 (Irish time)
Southern Africa - 5925 kHz (1400 to 1900)
East Africa - 9590 kHz (1500 to 2000)
West Africa - 17685 kHz (1400 to 1900)