
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Radio Nord on air in August for Vaxholm Radio centenary

Radio Nord (Sweden) plan to transmit on medium wave and shortwave on 23rd August as part of the Radio Day to celebrate 100 years of the Vaxholm Radio coastal station (on an island in the Stockhom archipelago) which opened in 1914.
Radio Nord (Revival) is a tribute to the former sixties Swedish offshore station and plan to have a studio set up at Vaxholm Castle for the event which is open to the public for any members in Sweden.

Full details in programme may be found here.

Frequencies mentioned in the "Radiodag" programme are 1512 kHz and 6065 kHz for Radio Nord.

This update from Ronny Forslund on the Radio Nord Revival Facebook page (15 July):
"We will definitely be broadcasting on MW 1512 kHz but the SW frequencies have not yet been cleared. Also, you may expect test transmissions earlier in the week as our license is valid for two weeks. We also expect to have a smaller SW transmitter operating from the actual Castle, in addition to the 10 kW from Sala. Also, you may look for us in the 75 m.b. where we will be using 5 kW from Sala if everything works out. Frequency should be 3915 kHz."

(there is also an Amateur Radio special event station on 23 August from Vaxholm Castle on various frequencies - details also in programme pdf above)

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