ANGOLA Fair/good signal of Radio Nacional Angola on Jan.21 1934&2234 on 4949.7 MLS 025 kW / non-dir to CeAf Portuguese ANGUILA Weak signal of CBB Caribbean Beacon on Jan.25 from 0600 on 6090 AIA 100 kW / 320 deg to CeAm English ARMENIA(non) Denge Kurdistan on new addit.freqs 4810/1395 kHz, Jan.20: 0330-1530 on 4810*ERV 050 kW / non-dir to WeAs Kurdish, addit.frequency 0330-1600 on 7520 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish as scheduled B17 1600-2200 on 1395 ERV 500 kW / ??? deg to WeAs Kurdish, addit.frequency 1600-2200 on 7320 ERV 300 kW / 280 deg to WeAs Kurdish as scheduled B17 *1530-1845 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to WeAs various Voice of Armenia ARMENIA(non) Denge Kurdistan in 60mb & 41mb this morning, Jan.22 from 0605 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to WeAs Kurdish, fair/good from 0605 on 7520 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very good AUSTRALIA Weak/fair signal of Reach Beyond Australia on Jan.21 1100-1130 on 15400 KNX 075 kW / 005 deg to EaAs Japanese Sat/Sun AUSTRALIA Strong signal of Reach Beyond Australia, Jan.23 1415-1500 on 12040 KNX 100 kW / 310 deg to SoAs English AUSTRIA(non) Reception of Radio DARC via ORF Moosbrunn on Jan.21 1000-1100 on 6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun, strong BAHRAIN Fair signal of Radio Bahrain Shabab FM on Jan.26: from 0800 on 9745 ABH 010 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic CUSB BANGLADESH Reception of Bangladesh Betar External and Home Services, Jan.23: from 1315 on 9455 DKA 250 kW / 320 deg to SoAs Nepali External Sce, very good from 1530 on 4750 SVR 100 kW / non-dir to SoAs Englidh Home Service fair/good BELGIUM(non) Reception of BRB Living Water Ministry Broadcasting on Jan.23 1500-1600 on 7280 PUG 250 kW / 000 deg to NEAs Korean Tue-Thu, good signal: BRASIL Fair signal of Radio Voz Missionaria on Jan.20 from 2224 on 5939.9 CAB 0.5 kW / non-dir to BRA Portuguese BRASIL Radio Voz Missionaria & Radio Clube Do Para, Jan.21-22: from 2242 on 9665 CAB 010 kW / 030 deg to BRA Portuguese, fair from 0602 on 4885 BLM 005 kW / non-dir to BRA Portuguese, fair CHINA Reception of China Domestic Service PBS Xinjiang, Jan.20: from 1433 on 4980 URU 050 kW / 230 deg to EaAs Uighur, fair/good from 1435 on 5060 URU 050 kW / 230 deg to EaAs Chinese, weak/fair CHINA Fair/good signal of Voice of Jinling on Jan.22: 1230-1500 on 6200 NJG 100 kW / 161 deg to EaAs Chinese CHINA Reception of Holy Tibet Radio via PBS Xizang on Jan.26 0700-0800 on 9580 LHA 100 kW / 290 deg to EaAs English, good: CUBA Fair signal of Radio Rebelde & Radio Habana Cuba in 60mb, Jan.22 from 0610 on 5025 QVC 050 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde from 0613 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba English R.Habana Cuba CHINA vs.RUSSIA CNR-1 vs Radio Sakha on Jan.20 from 2252 on 7345 BEI 100 kW / 175 deg to EaAs Chinese CNR-1 from 2252 on 7345 IAK 100 kW / 300 deg to FERu Rus/Yak R.Sakha EGYPT Reception of Radio Cairo with fair modulation, Jan.26 from 1835 on 9540 ABS 200 kW / 325 deg to WeEu Italian, good ERITREA Reception of VOBME 1 & VOBME 2 Dimtsi Hafash on Jan.23 from 1416 on 7140.0 ASM 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Tigrinya, weak from 1419 on 7181.5 ASM 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Amharic, fair: ETHIOPIA Reception of three Ethiopian station in 49mb, Jan.26 Radio Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya from 1825 on 5940 JJG 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Somali, fair Radio Amhara from 2005 on 6090 GDR 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Amharic, good Fana Broadcasting Corporation Radio Fana from 2020 on 6110 ADD 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Oromo, fair FRANCE(non) No signal of several clandestine transmissions via TDF Issoudun GERMANY Reception of DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst on Jan.26 0600-0628 on 5905 PIN 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German, fair/good 0600-0628 on 6180 PIN 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German, very good GERMANY(non) Reception of From the Isle of Music via Channel 292, Jan.20 1200-1300 on 6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu English/Spanish Sat, good: GERMANY(non) HCJB & Missionswerk Friedensstimme via MBR, Jan.20 HCJB Voice of The Andes via Moosbrunn 1530-1602 on 11900 MOS 100 kW / 095 deg to CeAs Russian Sat 1602-1630 on 11900 MOS 100 kW / 095 deg to CeAs Chechen Sat Missionswerk Friedensstimme via Nauen 1600-1630 on 6060 NAU 250 kW / 060 deg to EaEu Russian Sat, good GERMANY(non) Reception of Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via MBR Issoudun on Jan.20 1600-1630 on 11970 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat, very good: GERMANY(non) Unscheduled broadcast of Radio Joystick via MBR Moosbrunn, Jan.21 1100-1200 on 7330 MOS 100 kW / 283 deg to CeEu German 3rd Sun, powerful signal: GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR on 9485 CUSB, Jan.21 1131-1200 on 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sun, weak/fair: GERMANY(non) Pan American Broadcasting /PAB/ via MBR Nauen on Jan.21 1430-1445 on 15205 NAU 250 kW / 094 deg to SoAs English Sun, very good GERMANY(non) Reception of Voice of Oromo Liberation via MBR Nauen, Jan.21: 1700-1730 on 11810 NAU 100 kW / 144 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo Wed/Fri/Sun, good From 1703UT broadcast is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming GERMANY(non) Reception of BVB & Sawtu Linjilia via MBR Talata & Issoudun, Jan.26: Bible Voice Broadcasting 1800-1830 on 15420 MDC 250 kW / 320 deg to SoAf Kinyrwanda Fri, fair/good Lutheran World Federation/Voice of Gospel/ Sawtu Linjilia 1830-1900 on 9800 ISS 500 kW / 180 deg to WCAf Fulfulde Daily, very good GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR on 6190 CUSB, Jan.27: 0730-0800 on 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat, fair signal GERMANY(non) Radio Waves International via Channel 292 on Jan.27 0800-0900 on 6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu En/Ge/It Sat, good GREECE Reception of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, Jan.25: from 0649 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3 NO SIGNAL on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1 * nx in Arabic/Serbian at 0749-0757UT & off air at 0803UT! GREECE Reception of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, Jan.26: from 0751 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3 NO SIGNAL on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1 * nx in Arabic/Serbian at 0751-0759UT & off air at 0800UT! GUAM Good signal of Adventist World Radio KSDA, Jan.21 1100-1130 on 9460 SDA 100 kW / 345 deg to FERu Russian: GUINEA&KOREA DPR Radio Guinée Conakry&Voice of Korea on 9650, Jan.25: 0600-2400 on 9650 CON 050 kW / non-dir to WeAf French R.Guinée Conakry 0730-1320 on 9650 KUJ 200 kW / 109 deg to JPN Japanese Voice of Korea INDIA Fair signal of AIR Srinagar in 60mb on Jan.20 from 1430 on 4950 SRG 050 kW / non-dir to SoAs Hindi INDIA Very good signal of All India Radio on Jan.25: 1615-1715 on 11560 BGL 500 kW / 325 deg to EaEu Russian NO SIGNAL on 9910 DEL 250 kW / 312 deg to EaEu Russian With announcement of wrong // 9595, instead of 9910 kHz ITALY Schedule of Marconi Radio International for Jan.20: 1400-1600 on 7720 unknown 100 watts tx to CeEu various USB JAPAN(non) Fair signal of JSR Shiokaze Sea Breeze, Jan.25 1600-1700 on 6110*YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs English Thu * co-ch same 6110 ADD 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Radio Fana: KOREA DPR vs KOREA SOUTH Echo of Unification vs.Echo of Hope VOH, Jan.20 from 2354 on 6250 PYO 100 kW / non-dir to NEAs Korean Echo of Unification from 2354 on 6250 SEO 010 kW / 010 deg to NEAs Korean Echo of Hope VOHope KOREA D.P.R Reception of KCBS Pyongyang & Pyongyang BS, Jan.22: from 0830 on 11680 KNG 050 kW / non-dir to NEAs Korean, fair/good from 1330 on 6400 KNG 050 kW / non-dir to NEAs Korean, very good MONGOLIA Fair signal of Voice of Mongolia on Jan.22: 0900-0930 on 12084.9 U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SEAs English MYANMAR Fair signal of Myanmar Radio on 9730 and 7200 kHz on Jan.23: from 1240 on 9730 YAN 050 kW / 356 deg to SEAs Burmese, B17 till 1130 from 1330 on 7200 YAN 050 kW / 356 deg to SEAs Burmese, B17 till 1400 NEW ZEALAND Frequency change of Radio New Zealand Pacific in AM mode from Jan.27 NIGERIA(non) Radio Herwa International via TDF anf WRMI, Jan.21 1930-2000 on 9580 ISS 100 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa/Kanuri, fair 1930-2000 on 11530 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to WeAf Hausa/Kanuri, weak NUMBERS STATION Reception of E17z English Lady in 31mb on Jan.25 0811-0817 on 9820 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb on Jan.11 0940-0946 on 9540 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, good OMAN Radio Sultanate of Oman/Nation Station/Oman FM 90.4MHz on Jan.23 from 1359 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu English, strong signal: PALAU Weak/fair signal of T8WH WHRI Angel 3 on Jan.25 0900-1000 on 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs English PALAU Weak to fair signal of T8WH WHRI Angel 3 on Jan.27: 0800-0900 on 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs Japanese Sat PALAU(non) Reception of BRB Radio Que Me via T8WH Angel 3 on Jan.26: 1200-1230 on 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs Vietnamese Fri, strong PIRATE Laser Hot Hits, Greek and Russian pirates, Jan.20 from 2009 on 4030 AM mode Laser Hot Hits from 2030 on 3420 LSB mode Greek Pirates from 0015 on vary in 3MHz Russian Pirates PIRATE Reception of Reflections Europe on Jan.21: 1515&1630 on 6295 unknown tx / unknown to Eu, fair PHILIPPINES Reception of Radio Veritas Asia in 25mb on Jan.23 1200-1227 on 11760 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg to SEAs Karen, good + CRI En 1200-1227 on 11935 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg to SEAs Hmong, strong signal ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS EGR/UN Radio via ROU RadioCom, Jan.21 1030-1300 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun, weak/fair ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS Radio City via ROU RadioCom, Jan.27: 0900-1000 on 9510*SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu German Sat, weak/fair * co-ch same 9510 URU 050 kW / non-dir to EaAs Mongolian PBSXinjiang SAUDI ARABIA Strong signal of Rep.of Yemen Radio & Al-Azm Radio, Jan.27 0655&0855 on 11860 JED or RIY tx ??? kW to N/ME Arabic Rep.of Yemen Radio 0658&0855 on 11745 JED or RIY tx ??? kW to N/ME Arabic BSKSA Al-Azm Radio SECRETLAND(non) Radio Warra Wangeelaati & KBC Radio via SPL Secretbrod, Jan.20 Radio Warra Wangeelaati 1500-1530 on 15515 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo Sat The Mighty KBC Radio 1500-1600 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sat SECRETLAND(non) Dimtse Radio Erena & ETC Radio via SPL Secretbrod, Jan.20 BaBcoCk Dimtse Radio Erena 1700-1800 on 9720 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Sat End Times Coming Radio Ex-Catholics For Christ 1900-1930 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Daily SECRETLAND(non) Reception of From the Isle of Music via SPL Secretbrod on Jan.21: 1500-1600 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English/Spanish Sun-fair/good signal Again no signal of Radio Santec and Voice of The Report of The Week via SPL, Jan.21: 1500-1530 on 15190 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to SoAs English/German Sun R.Santec The Word 1601-1700 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sun VOThe Report of The Week SECRETLAND(non) Radio OMN testing again via SPL from Jan.25 1600-1658 on 11575 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo, strong 1600-1656 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo, strong According to IBB Monitoring System under "CME" are registered 1500-1600 on 11600 unknown kW / unknown to EaAf alternat.time 1600-1700 on 11630 unknown kW / unknown to EaAf alt.frequency SECRETLAND(non) IPOB Radio Nigeria Hausa Sce via SPL on Jan.27 1600-1700 on 15110 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to WeAf Hausa, poor/weak SOUTH KOREA Good signal of Echo of Hope VOH on Jan.20 from 2016 on 4885 SEO 100 kW / non-dir to NEAs Korean SPAIN Radio Exterior de España RNE on three of four frequencies, Jan.21: 1500-1900 on 9690 NOB 200 kW / 290 deg to ENAm Spanish Sat/Sun, fair/good 1500-1900 on 15390 NOB 200 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Sat/Sun, distorted 1500-1900 on 15500 NOB 200 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish Sat/Sun, very good 1500-1900 on 17755 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat/Sun, no signal SRI LANKA Very good signal of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp on Jan.21 1630-1730 on 11750 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to N/ME Sinhala City FM Daily 1730-1830 on 11750 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to N/ME Sinhala City FM Sa/Su SUDAN Radio Omdurman Sudan was back on nominal 7205, Jan.21-22 1902&0545 on 7205 ALF 100 kW / 210 deg to CeAf Arabic, ex 7204. Station is on 7205 ALF 100 kW / 210 deg to CeAf Arabic 0200-2200 SUDAN(non) Reception of Radio Tamazuj & Radio Dabanga on Jan.25 Radio Tamazuj 1429-1527 on 13800 MDC 250 kW / 340 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, fair 1429-1527 on 15550 SMG 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, weak Radio Dabanga 1527-1626 on 13800 MDC 250 kW / 340 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, good 1527-1626 on 15550 SMG 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, good SWAZILAND Good signal of TWR Africa via Manzini on Jan.21 1834-1849 on 9500 MAN 100 kW / 013 deg to EaAf English Sun SWAZILAND Strong signal of Trans World Radio Africa on Jan.25 1557-1627 on 15105 MAN 100 kW / 013 deg to SoAf Kirundi Mon-Fri TAIWAN Reception of Sound of Hope Xi Wang Zhi Sheng, Jan.20 from 2052 on 6230 unknown kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese, fair TAIWAN(non) Good signal of Suab Xaa Moo Zoo, Jan.20 from 2258 on 7530 TSH 100 kW / 250 deg to SEAs Hmong U.K.(non) Radio Payem e-Doost via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol, Jan,21: 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, fair/good U.K.(non) Follow The Bible & FEBA via BaBcoCk Woofferton, Jan.21-22 1830-1858 on 7220 WOF 300 kW / 114 deg to N/ME Arabic Sun, very good 0800-0830 on 15260 WOF 250 kW / 107 deg to N/ME Arabic R.Sama, strong U.K.(non) Radio Akhbar Mufriha via BaBcoCk Woofferton & Ascension, Jan.21 2100-2145 on 7300 WOF 250 kW / 170 deg to NoAf Tachelhit/Arabic, fair/good 2145-2215 on 9530 ASC 125 kW / 027 deg to WeAf Hassinya Thu-Tue, very good U.K.(non) Reception of North Korea Reform Radio via BaBcoCk Tashkent on Jan.26 2030-2130 on 7500 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal plus jamming UTILITY STATIONS Gander Volmet, UVB-76 and The Pip, Jan.20 from 1924 on 6604 USB Gander Volmet from 2045 on 4625 USB UVB-76 from 2113 on 3556 USB The Pip UTILITY STATIONS The Pip, The Squeaky Wheel and The Goose on Jan.22 from 1313 on 5448 USB The Pip from 1316 on 5473 USB The Squeaky Wheel from 1324 on 6360 USB The Goose USA Good signal of WHRI-1 and WWCR-1 on Jan.20 from 2229 on 6040 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun WHRI-1 from 2242 on 6115 WCR 100 kW / 046 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun WWCR-1 USA Reception of WRMI Okeechobee tx#1 and tx#4 on Jan.21 tx#1 Voice of The Report of The Week 2100-2200 on 7780 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sun, very good tx#4 Impact Radio 2200-0300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to SoAm English Sun, weak/fair USA Reception of WHRI-2, WEWN-1 and WWCR-3 on Jan.21-22 WHRI World Harvest Radio Int Angel 2 from 2000 on 9505 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun, very good WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio from 0656 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English, fair to good WWCR-3 World Wide Christian Radio from 0600 on 4840 WCR 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm English, fair to good USA Very limited SW schedule of WWRB Global 1, only 12 hors per week USA Reception of EWTN WEWN-3 Radio Catolica Mundial, Jan.25 from 0605 on 5970 EWN 250 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish, fair USA Very good signal of WHRI Angel 2 on Jan.26 0500-0600 on 9830 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English USA Reception of World Wide Christian Radio WWCR-2, Jan.26: from 2200 on 9350 WCR 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English, fair USA(non) Voice of America via Pinheira and Tinang, Jan.20: from 2033 on 4960 SAO 100 kW / 030 deg to WCAf English Sa/Su fron 2218 on 7590 PHT 250 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Khmer Daily VATICAN Reception of Vatican Radio Holy Mass in English, Jan.26 1130-1200 on 15595 SMG 250 kW / 118 deg to N/ME English Fri, good 1130-1200 on 17590 SMG 250 kW / 112 deg to N/ME English Fri, fair ZAMBIA Good signal of KVOH Voice of Hope Africa tx#2, Jan.21: from 1400 on 13680 LUV 100 kW / 315 deg to WeAf English Sat/Sun
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