
Saturday, October 30, 2021



DX RE MIX NEWS # 1215 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov. Date: October 30, 2021
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ALASKA   Winter B-21 frequency changes of WCB KNLS The New Life Station

ARMENIA(non)   Trans World Radio India in English on 13690 kHz via Yerevan. October 29
1430-1500 on 13690 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Fri. Very good via Tambov.
TWR India relay FEBA Radio Pakistan in Urdu on 13690 kHz via CJSC Yerevan, October 29:
1500-1530 on 13690 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Urdu Daily. Very good via SDR Tambov.
1425-1540 on  9965 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Eng/Urdu Winter B-21 from October 31.

AUSTRALIA   B-21 schedule of Reach Beyond Australia in English:

CUBA   Good signal of Radio Habana Cuba on 6000 kHz via Titan-Quivican on October 27:
1100-1400 on  6000 QVC 250 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish via SDR Milford PA USA. Today
with wrong winter B-20 time & frequency announcement. Something`s always wrong at RHC

CUBA   Very good signal of Radio Habana Cuba in English on 5040 kHz via Bauta, October 28
0500-0545 on  5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba English & off air via SDR Milford PA, USA

CUBA   Good signal of Radio Habana Cuba on 9710 kHz via Bejucal on October 28:
1100-1500 on  9710 BEJ 050 kW / 110 deg to SoAm Spanish via SDR Milford PA USA

EGYPT   Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9400 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 26
0813-0815 on  9400 E25 Rebeat tx / unknown to ???? open carrier and test tone 1000Hz
0815-0820 on  9400 E25 Rebeat tx / unknown to ???? Egyptian music. Good signal today

EGYPT   Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9600 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 26
0927-0930 on  9600 E25 Rebeat tx / unknown to ???? open carrier and test tone 1000Hz
0930-0940 on  9600 E25 Rebeat tx / unknown to ???? Egyptian music. Good signal today

EGYPT   Winter B-21 frequency changes of ERU Radio Cairo

EGYPT   Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9400 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 28
0850-0905 on  9400 E25 Rebeat tx / unknown to ???? open carrier and test tone 1000Hz
0905-0915 on  9400 E25 Rebeat tx / unknown to ???? Egyptian music. Good signal today

FRANCE(non)   Reception of Raadiyyoni Dirree Shaggar on 15415 kHz via TDF Issoudun, October 27
1600-1630 on 15415 ISS 250 kW / 127 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo. Good signal via SDR Tambov, Russia
1630-1700 on 11760 ISS 250 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Wed Dimse Bayto Yiakl USA, NOT ON AIR

FRANCE(non)   Winter B-21 frequency changes of Telediffusion d'Algerie via TDF Issoudun

FRANCE(non)   Winter B-21 schedule of Mini-Transat La Boulangère via TDF Issoudun

FRANCE(non)   B-21 frequency change of Raadiyyoni Dirree Shaggar via WRMI TDF Issoudun:

GERMANY(non)   Winter B-21 frequency & other changes of Deutsche Welle

GERMANY(non)   NDR Christmas Gruss an Bord on Fri December 24, 2021

GERMANY(non)   Special broadcasts of RADIO SE-TA 2 on 6095 kHz via MBR Nauen

GERMANY(non)   Reception of NHK World Radio Japan in English on 7355 kHz via MBR Issoudun on October 28
0430-0500 on  7355 ISS 500 kW / 155 deg to SoAf English Mo-Fr; 0500-0530 Sa/Su. Good via SDR Tambov RUS

GERMANY(non)   Bible Voice Broadcasting on 9735 kHz & 11655 kHz via MBR Nauen, October 29
0501-0516 on  9735 NAU 250 kW / 120 deg to N/ME Ar/En Fri. Very good via SDR Tambov, RUS.
At same time  9450 NAU 250 kW / 120 deg to N/ME Ar/En Fri in Winter B-21 from October 31.
0600-0615 on 11655 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Ar Dardasha 7. Very good via SDR Tambov.
At same time  9440 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Ar Dardasha 7 Winter B-21 from October 31

GERMANY(non)   NHK World Radio Japan in French on 11730 kHz via MBR Issoudun, October 29
0530-0600 on 11730 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to WCAf French. Very good via SDR Tambov, Russia
At same time  7450 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to WCAf French in Winter B21 eff.from October 31

GERMANY(non)   Dandal Kura Radio International on 15260 kHz via MBR Nauen, October 29
0700-0800 on 15260 NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf Kanuri. Very good via SDR Tambov, RUS
At same time 13590 NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf Kanuri in Winter B-21 from October 31

GERMANY(non)   NHK World Radio Japan in Arabic on 11730 kHz via MBR Issoudun, October 30
0600-0630 on 11730 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg to NoAf Arabic. Very good via SDR Tambov, Russia
0600-0630 on  6165 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg to NoAf Arabic in Winter B21 eff.from October 31

GERMANY(non)   Reception of PAB Preparing for Jesus on 13580 kHz via MBR Tashkent, October 30:
1300-1400 on 13580 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to JPN  Japanese Sat. Very good, but with double audio
At same time  5945 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to JPN  Japanese Sat in Winter B21 eff.from November 6

GERMANY(non)   Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting BVB on 15265 kHz via MBR Nauen, October 16
1430-1500 on 15265 NAU 250 kW / 102 deg to SoAs English Sat. Very good via SDR Tambov in Russia
At same time 11900 NAU 250 kW / 102 deg to SoAs English Sat in Winter B-21 eff.from November 6.

GUAM   Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in English on 11590 kHz via Agana, October 27:
1245-1300 on 11590 TWR 200 kW / 285 deg to SoAs English Sun-Wed. Very good via SDR Tambov, RUS

GUAM   Reception of Trans World Radio India in Kazakh on 9910 kHz via Agana, October 28
1427-1430 on  9910*TWR 200 kW / 305 deg to CeAs Trans World Radio India Interval Signal
1430-1445 on  9910*TWR 200 kW / 305 deg Kazakh. Very good signal via SDR Tambov, Russia
* strong QRM  9920 unknown kW / unknown to CeAs Chinese CNR-1 jamming vs.VOA in Tibetan

GUAM(non)   Very good signal of BRB Living Water Ministry on 7515 kHz Agana, October 28
1516-1616 on  7515 TWR 200 kW / 320 deg to NEAs Korean Tue-Fri via SDR Tambov, Russia.

INDIA   Unscheduled broadcast of All India Radio in Hindi on 15030 kHz, October 26:
0757-0800 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Hindi is unscheduled bradcast on SW
till 0830 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Persian as scheduled in Summer A-21

INDIA   Unscheduled broadcast of All India Radio in English on 17710 kHz, October 26
till 0830 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Persian, as scheduled in Summer A-21
0834-0838 on 17710 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs very strong open carrier / dead air,
0838-0845 on 17710 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs English Sce unscheduled on shortwave
0845-0930 on 17710 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Pashto. Very good via SDR Tambov RUS

INDIA   Unscheduled broadcast of All India Radio in Punjabi on 15030 kHz, October 26:
1208-1215 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 240 deg to EaAf Punjabi, unscheduled on shortwave and
1215-1217 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 240 deg to EaAf 2 min.All India Radio Interval Signal
from 1217 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 240 deg to EaAf Swahili - as scheduled in Summer A-21

INDIA   Unscheduled broadcast of All India Radio in Punjabi on 11560 kHz, October 26:
till 1315 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 240 deg to EaAf Swahili & Punjabi Service 30 seconds,
1316-1330 on 11560 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Punjabi, unscheduled on shortwave and
1330-1430 on 11560 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Dari, as scheduled in Summer AIR A-21

INDIA   Winter B-21 frequency changes of All India Radio External Service

INDIA   Unscheduled broadcast of All India Radio in English on 17710 kHz, October 28
till 0830 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Persian, as scheduled in Summer A-21
0834-0845 on 17710 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs English Sce unscheduled on shortwave
0845-0930 on 17710 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Pashto. Very good via SDR Tambov RUS

INDIA   All India Radio in English/Hindi instead of Pashto on 17710 kHz October 29
0840-0845 on 17710 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs English - unscheduled on shortwave
0845-0900 on 17710 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs English, instead of Pashto Service
0845-0930 on 17710 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Hindi - instead of Pashto Service!

JAPAN   Reception of NHK World Radio Japan in Russian on 11790 kHz via Yamata, October 28
0530-0600 on 11790 YAM 300 kW / 330 deg to FERu Russian. Very good via SDR Tambov, Russia

JAPAN   Reception of NHK World Radio Japan in Russian on 7355 kHz via Yamata, October 28:
1100-1130 on  7355 YAM 300 kW / 330 deg to FERu Russian. Very good via SDR Tambov, Russia
1100-1130 on  5985 YAM 300 kW / 330 deg to FERu Russian in Winter B21 eff.from October 31

MADAGASCAR(non)   RM Radio Mazaris Samay on new 11705 kHz via MGB Talata Volonondry from October 31
1500-1530 NF 11705 MDC 250 kW / 340 deg to EaAf Tigrinya till January 31; 1500-1600 from February 1
1500-1530 on 11555 MDC 250 kW / 340 deg to EaAf Tigrinya as scheduled from October 15 to October 30

MADAGASCAR(non)   RM Radio Mazaris Samay on 11555 kHz via MGB Talata Volonondry, October 27
1500-1530 on 11555 MDC 250 kW / 340 deg to EaAf Tigrinya. Very good via SDR Tambov, Russia.

MADAGASCAR   Winter B-21 frequency change of WCB Madagascar World Voice

NETHERLANDS   Classic Radio Sunday on 6185 kHz via Zwolle will be on air October 31
from 0800 on 6185 ZWO 001 kW / non-dir to WeEu English Sunday via Radio Piepzender.

NUMBERS STATION   E11 Oblique on 9963 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 26:
0715-0726 on  9963 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Very good

NEW ZEALAND    B-21 frequency and other changes of Radio New Zealand / RNZ Pacific:

NUMBERS STATION   S06s Russian Lady on 7425 kHz via SDR Albertirsa HNG, October 26:
0730-0736 on  7425 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode. Very good signal

NUMBERS STATION   S06s Russian Lady on 11560 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 26:
0740-0746 on 11560 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode. Very good signal

NUMBERS STATION   S06s Russian Lady on 11635 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 26:
0800-0806 on 11635 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode. Very good signal

NUMBERS STATION   E11 Oblique on 9951 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 26:
1000-1011 on  9951 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Very good

NUMBERS STATION   S06s Russian Lady on 7340 kHz via SDR Albertirsa HNG, October 26:
1010-1006 on  7340 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode. Distorted signal

NUMBERS STATION   Fair/good signal of Cuban Spy Number HM01 on 9330 kHz via Bejucal on October 27:
0655-0749 on  9330*BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish Su/Mo/We/Fr via SDR Half Moon Bay CA, USA
* weak signal 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 076 deg to PORT Portuguese World's Last Chance WLCRadio via WBCQ-6

NUMBERS STATION   S06s Russian Lady on 9952.1v kHz via SDR Tambov Russia on October 27
0840-0846 on  9952.1v unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode. Very good signal

NUMBERS STATION   E11 Oblique on 6940 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia on October 27
0930-0933 on  6940 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Good signal

NUMBERS STATION   E11 Oblique on 7317 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia on October 27
1045-1048 on  7317 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Good signal

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of E11 Oblique on 6923 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 27:
1205-1208 on  6923 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Fair plus digital noise

NUMBERS STATION   E07a English Man on 7488 kHz via SDR Tambov RUS, October 28
0450-0452 on  7488 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Good signal

NUMBERS STATION   S06s Russian Lady on 12140 kHz via SDR Tambov RUS, October 28
0740-0746 on 12140 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode. Good signal.

NUMBERS STATION   E11 Oblique on 5941 kHz via SDR Tambov, Russia on October 28
0820-0823 on  5941 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Good signal.

NUMBERS STATION   E11 Oblique on 9963 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 29
0715-0726 on  9963 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Very good

NUMBERS STATION   E07 English Man on 17462 kHz via SDR Tambov RUS, October 29:
0720-0730 on 17462 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode. Weak to fair

NUMBERS STATION   S06s Russian Lady on 12140 kHz via SDR Tambov Russia, October 29:
0830-0834 on 12140 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB mode. Very good signal

PAKISTAN   Winter B-21 registered frequencies of PBC Radio Pakistan

PALAU   Very good signal of T8WH Angel 5 Hope Radio on 9965 kHz via Medorn on October 29:
0800-0935 on  9965 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg to NEAs English Mo-Fr via SDR Kanuma Tichigi, JPN
At same time  9965 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg to NEAs English Mo-Fr Winter B-21 from October 31

ROMANIA(non)   NEXUS IRRS Kashmir Civitas/Free Kashmir on 15170 kHz via Galbeni on October 26
1500-1530 on 15170 GAL 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Urdu Tue. Good signal via SDR Tambov, Russia.
1600-1630 on 15170 GAL 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Urdu Tue IRRS Kashmir Civitas from November 2

SUDAN   Reception of Radio Omdurman Sudan on very odd frequency 7206 kHz via Al-Fatihab, October 26
from 0508 on  7206 ALF 100 kW / 210 deg to CeAf Arabic, instead of 7205. Fair via SDR Tambov Russia

SUDAN(non)   Winter B-21 frequency changes of Radio Tamazuj/Radio Dabanga

TAIWAN(non)   Reception of National Unity Radio Free Chosun on 9475 kHz via Tamsui, October 28:
1200-1458 on  9475 TSH 300 kW / 352 deg to NEAs Korean. Very good signal via SDR Tambov, Russia

TAIWAN(non)   Radio Dap Loi Song Nui/Vietnam Democracy Radio on 9670 kHz via Paochung, October 28
1230-1258 on  9670 PAO 100 kW / 250 deg to SEAs Vietnamese. Good plus jamming via SDR Hanoi, VTN.

TAJIKISTAN(non)   Adventist World Radio in English on 15515 kHz via Dushanbe, October 29
1400-1500 on 15515 DB  100 kW / 125 deg to SoAs English. Good signal via SDR Tambov, RUS
1400-1500 on 15515 DB  100 kW / 125 deg to SoAs English, Winter B-21 eff.from October 31

U.K.(non)   B-21 of Radio NUG The Voice of National Unity Government of Myanmar

U.K.(non)    Winter B-21 frequency changes of Nippon no Kaze and
Furusato no Kaze via ENC-DMS RRTM Telecom Tashkent, all very odd

U.K.(non)   New winter frequency of World's Last Chance Radio via ENC-DMS Woofferton

U.K.(non)   Winter B-21 frequency change of FEBA / Radio Sama via ENC-DMS Woofferton:

U.K.(non)   Winter B-21 changes of Follow The Bible Ministries via ENC-DMS:

U.K.(non)   Winter B-21 of Radio Ominira Yoruba / Radio Freedom Yoruba via ENC-DMS Woofferton:

U.K.(non)   Radio Ndarason International on 12050 kHz via ENC-DMS Woofferton, October 29
0611-0621 on 12050 WOF 250 kW / 158 deg to WeAf French. Good signal via SDR Tambov, RUS.
At same time  9535 WOF 250 kW / 158 deg to WeAf French in Winter B21 eff.from October 31

U.K.(non)   KBS WR+R.Ndarason Int.+BaBcOcK Mx on 9860 kHz via ENC-DMS Woofferton, October 29
from 0710 on  9860 WOF 250 kW / 102 deg to WeEu Korean. Very good signal via SDR Tambov, RUS
0700-0800 on  6045 WOF 250 kW / 102 deg to WeEu Korean KBS WR Winter B21 eff.from October 31

USA   WTWW-1 We Transmit World Wide Scriptures For America on 5830 kHz Lebannon on October 27
from 0500 on  5830 TWW 100 kW / 050 deg to ENAm English. Very good via SDR Boca Raton FL, USA
At same time  5085 TWW 100 kW / 180 deg to SoAm English WTWW-2 strong open carrier / dead air

USA   World's Last Chance Radio in Spanish on 9330 kHz via WBCQ-6 Monticello, October 27
from 0601 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 076 deg to SPAI Spanish. Good via SDR Boca Raton FL, USA

USA   World's Last Chance Radio in Portuguese on 9330 kHz via WBCQ-6 Monticello, October 27
from 0700 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 076 deg to PORT Portuguese. Good via SDR Boca Raton FL, USA

USA   World's Last Chance Radio in French on 9330 kHz via WBCQ-6 Monticello, October 27
from 0800 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 076 deg to FRAN French. Good via SDR Boca Raton FL, USA

USA   World's Last Chance Radio in English on 9330 kHz via WBCQ-6 Monticello, October 27
from 0900 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 057 deg to U.K. English. Good via SDR Boca Raton FL, USA

USA   World's Last Chance Radio in Spanish on 9330 kHz via WBCQ-6 Monticello on October 27
from 1000 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 180 deg to NSAm Spanish. Very good via SDR Boca Raton FL, USA

USA   Reception of WTWW-2 We Transmit World Wide QSO Radio Show on 5085 kHz Lebannon, October 28:
from 0510 on  5085 TWW 100 kW / 180 deg to SoAm English. Very good signal via SDR Milford PA, USA

USA(non)   Reception of Vatican Radio in Spanish on 7305 kHz via USAGM Greenville, October 27
1130-1145 on  7305 GB  250 kW / 168 deg to CeAm Spanish. Very good via SDR Boca Raton FL, USA

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 9930 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 26
1200-1230 on  9930 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Daily. Very good signal via SDR Tambov, RUS

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Radio Free North Korea on 11510 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 26
1300-1400 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Daily. Very good via SDR Tambov, RUS

UZBEKISTAN(non)   North Korean Democratization Committee on 9900 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 26:
1400-1430 on  9900 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Tue/Thu/Sat CDNK. Very good via SDR Tambov in Russia

UZBEKISTAN(non)   New Country Broadcast Sae Nala on 9585 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 26
1600-1630 on  9585 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Tue/Thu/Sun. Very good via SDR Tambov, RUS.

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Updated schedule of Iran International via RRTM Telecom Tashkent:

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Iran International on 15629.8v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 27
from 0528 on 15629.8vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi. Very good via SDR Tambov, Russia.

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Bible Voice Broadcasting on 11589.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on October 27
till 1300 on 11590.0 TWR 200 kW / 285 deg to SoAs English Sun-Wed KTWR Trans World Radio Asia A-21
1300-1330 on 11589.9vTAC 100 kW / 066 deg to EaAs English Mon-Wed. Good signal via SDR Tambov, RUS

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Iran International on 5829.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 27
from 1330 on  5829.9vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi. Fair/good via SDR Tambov, Russia

UZBEKISTAN(non)   North Korea Reform Radio on 7590 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 27
1400-1500 on  7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Very good signal via SDR Tambov, RUS

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Furusato no Kaze on 11994.8v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on October 27
1430-1500 on 11994.8vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Japanese. Very good via SDR Tambov, RUS.

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 7529.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 27
1530-1600 on  7529.9vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Daily. Very good signal via SDR Tambov, RUS

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Reception of Radio Ranginkaman on 7609.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 27:
1730-1800 on  7609.9vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi Radio Rainbow. Good signal via SDR Tambov, RUS

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Nippon no Kaze on 11874.8v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on October 28
1300-1330 on 11874.8vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Very good via SDR Tambov, RUS.

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Furusato no Kaze on 11874.8v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on October 28
1330-1357 on 11874.8vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Japanese. Very good via SDR Tambov, RUS.

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Voice of Wilderness on 11539.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent on October 28:
1400-1500 on 11539.9vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Very good in CUSB via SDR Tambov RUS

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Adventist World Radio on 12104.8v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 29
1200-1300 on 12104.8vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to EaAs Chinese. Very good via SDR Tambov in Russia
At same time  9800.0 DB  100 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Chinese in Winter B-21 effective October 31

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Adventist World Radio on 15669.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent October 29
1300-1400 on 15669.9vTAC 100 kW / 066 deg to EaAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Tambov, Russia
1200-1300 on  9459.9vTAC 100 kW / 090 deg to EaAs Korean in Winter B-21 eff.from October 31.

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