============================================================================= DX RE MIX NEWS # 1265 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov. Date September 26,2022 Also visit: <swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com> and <youtube.com/user/SWLDXBulgaria> ============================================================================= ALGERIA Reception of TDA Telediffusion d'Algerie in Arabic on 9450 kHz via Bechar, September 23: till 0703 on 9450 BEC 300 kW / 131 deg to EaAf Arabic. Very good & off air via SDR Heimiswil, SUI At present TDA Telediffusion d'Algerie is on air 04-07 and 18-23UT as of previous via TDF Issoudun https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/telediffusion-dalgerie-in-arabic-on_23.html AUSTRALIA Voice of Martyrs in Korean on 9580 kHz via Reach Beyond Australia Kununurra, September 23 0930-1000 on 9580 KNX 100 kW / 335 deg to NEAs Korean. Very good signal via SDR Kanuma Tichigi, Japan https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/voice-of-martyrs-in-korean-on-9580-khz_23.html AUSTRIA Reception of Oesterreichischer Rundfunk-1 in German on 13730 kHz via Moosbrunn, September 24 1000-1100 on 13730 MOS 100 kW / 070 deg to EaEu German Mon-Sat. Very good signal via SDR Tambov Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/oesterreichischer-rundfunk-on-13730-via.html COLOMBIA Fair signal of La Montana Colombia on 4940 kHz via Maicao, September 24 from 0613 on 4940 MIA 001 kW / non-dir to SoAm Spanish via SDR Frostburg MD, USA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/la-montana-colombia-on-4940-khz-via.html CUBA Radio Habana Cuba in English after 06UT on unscheduled 5040 kHz via Bauta, September 21: 0600-0701 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba English. Very good via SDR Half Moon Bay CA USA from 0701 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba open carrier / dead air and continues at 0741UT At same time 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde - NO SIGNAL via same SDR! from 0800 on 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde is on the air, very good. Each day, each hour, a different random combination. Something`s always wrong at RHC & Bauta tx https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/rhc-english-after-06ut-on-unscheduled.html CUBA Reception of Radio Habana Cuba in Spanish on 11760 kHz via Bauta on September 21: from 1059 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD. Again wrong Summer A-22 frequency announcement: - 6000 kHz missing; 7340 kHz, instead of 9710 kHz; 1200-1500UT on 13700 kHz, instead of 15230 kHz. In A-22 RHC schedule 13700 kHz is 1300-1500UT; 15140 kHz is 19mb,NOT in 25mb. Something`s always wrong at R.Habana Cuba https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-habana-cuba-in-spanish-on-11760_22.html CUBA Radio Habana Cuba English and Radio Rebelde Spanish on 5025 kHz via Bauta on September 22 till 0556 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba English as scheuled Radio Habana Cuba Summer A22 from 0556 on 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba English RHC, instead of Spanish Radio Rebelde!!! from 0559 on 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde. Good via SDR Frostburg MD Each day, each hour, a different random combination. Something`s always wrong at RHC & Bauta tx! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/rhabana-cuba-and-rrebelde-on-5025-khz.html CUBA Reception of Radio Habana Cuba RHC in Spanish on 5040 kHz via Bauta, September 23 till 0455 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD. At same time 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde, NO SIGNAL AGAIN!! Each day,each hour,a different random combination. Something`s always wrong at Bauta tx! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-habana-cuba-in-spanish-on-5040.html CUBA Reception of Radio Habana Cuba RHC in English on 5040 kHz via Bauta, September 23 0455&0555 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba English. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD. At same time 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde, NO SIGNAL AGAIN!! Each day,each hour,a different random combination. Something`s always wrong at Bauta tx! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-habana-cuba-in-english-on-5040_23.html CUBA Radio Habana Cuba on 5040 kHz and Radio Rebelde on 5025 kHz both via Bauta, September 23: from 0605 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba English R.Habana Cuba. Good via SDR Frostburg MD from 0615 on 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde. Good via SDR Frostburg MD Each day, each hour, a different random combination. Something`s always wrong at RHC & Bauta tx! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/rhc-on-5040-radio-rebelde-on-5025-both.html CUBA Radio Habana Cuba on 5040 kHz and Radio Rebelde on 5025 kHz both via Bauta, September 24: till 0603 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba English R.Habana Cuba. Good via SDR Frostburg MD from 0603 on 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde. Good via SDR Frostburg MD Something is always wrong at Radio Havana Cuba and the Bauta tx center, everyone is asleep deep! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/rhc-on-5040-khz-rrebelde-on-5025-khz.html CUBA Radio Rebelde in Spanish on wrong frequency 5040 kHz via Bauta on September 25: 0810&0902 on 5040*BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish. Good via SDR Frostburg MD USA 1035&1054 on 5040*BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde and continues!!! * instead of 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde as scheduled 24h Something is always wrong at Bauta tx. Each day/each hour/different random combination https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-rebelde-in-spanish-on-wrong-5040.html CUBA Radio Rebelde on wrong 5040 & 6100 Bauta, 6100 Titan-Quivican, 9535/9710 Bejucal, September 25 from 1100 on 5040*BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish. Good/very good via SDR Frostburg/Boca Raton. * instead of 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde, scheduled 24 hrs Summer/Winter 1100-1106 on 6000 QVC 250 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish, instead of Radio Habana Cuba RHC Summer A-22 1100-1106 on 6100 BAU 100 kW / 340 deg to WNAm Spanish, instead of Radio Habana Cuba RHC Summer A-22 1100-1106 on 9535 BEJ 100 kW / 230 deg to CeAm Spanish, instead of Radio Habana Cuba RHC Summer A-22 1100-1106 on 9710 BEJ 050 kW / 110 deg to SoAm Spanish, instead of Radio Habana Cuba RHC Summer A-22 from 1106 on 5040 kHz continues Radio Rebelbe & 6000/6100/9535/9710 kHz continues Radio Habana Cuba! Something is always wrong at Bauta/Bejucal/Quivican. Each day/each hour/different random combination! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-rebelde-on-wrong-5040-6000-6100.html CUBA Radio Rebelde in Spanish on wrong frequency 5040 kHz via Bauta on September 25: from 1330 on 5040*BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish. Good via SDR Boca Raton in FL from 1630 on 5040*BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde and continues!!! * instead of 5025 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish Radio Rebelde as scheduled 24h https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-rebelde-in-spanish-on-wrong-5040_25.html CUBA Reception of Radio Habana Cuba in Spanish on 5040 kHz via Bauta, September 26: from 0435 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish. Very good via SDR Boca Raton https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-habana-cuba-in-spanish-on-5040_26.html CUBA Very good signal of Radio Habana Cuba in wrong Spanish on 5040 kHz via Bauta, September 26: from 0500 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish, instead of English via SDR Boca Raton FL. Each day, each hour, a different random combination. Something`s always wrong at Radio Habana Cuba https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/rhc-in-wrong-language-spanish-on-5040.html CUBA Radio Rebelde in Spanish on his own traditional frequency 5025 kHz via Bauta, September 26 from 0555 on 5025*BAU 100 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish. Very good via SDR Boca Raton, FL in USA. * instead of 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish R.Rebelde 24 hrs earlier on September 25! Probably R.Rebelde is on air 0600-2100UTC on 5025 and then is R.Habana Cuba 2100-0600UTC on 5040. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-rebelde-in-spanish-on-5025-khz.html CUBA Reception of Radio Habana Cuba in Spanish on 11760 kHz via Bauta on September 25: from 1059 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD. Again another wrong Summer A-22 frequency announcement: missing frequencies are 6000 kHz 1100-1400UT; 9535, 11760, 15140 kHz 1100-1500UT; 9710 kHz is 1100-1500UT not 1100-1400UT 1200-1500UT on 15230 kHz not on 13700 kHz. In A-22 RHC schedule 13700 kHz is 1300-1500UT Each day, each hour, a different random combination. Something`s always wrong at RHC! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-habana-cuba-in-spanish-on-11760_26.html CUBA(non) CGTN China Radio International on 9790 kHz via Titan-Quivican San Felipe, September 26 0300-0500 on 9790 QVC 250 kW / 305 deg to ENAm English/Cantonese. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/cgtn-cri-on-9790-khz-via-titan-quivican.html FRANCE(non) NO SIGNAL of Manara Radio Int/Dandal Kura Int via Issoudun, September 21: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/no-signal-of-manara-radio-intdandal.html GERMANY Upcoming special trasnmissions of RADIO SE-TA 2 via MBR Nauen & Hartenstein Saxony on Sat/Sun October 1/2: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-se-ta-2-via-mbr-nauen-hartenstein.html GERMANY Reception of Evangelische Missions Gemeinden EMG on 6055 kHz via MBR Nauen, September 24 1030-1100 on 6055 NAU 125 kW / 222 deg to CeEu German Sat/Sun. Very good via SDR Heimiswil in SUI https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/evangelische-missions-gemeinden-on-6055_25.html GERMANY(non) Reception of Ukrainian Radio-1 in Ukrainian only on 6005.1v kHz via Kall Krekel, September 21 0800-0900 on 6005.1vKLL 001 kW / 010&190 to CeEu Ukrainian. Fair/good signal via SDR Heimiswil, Switzerland https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ukrainian-radio-1-in-ukrainian-on-60051.html GERMANY(non) Channel 292 relay Radio Waves International on 6070 kHz via Rohrbach Waal, September 24: 0700-0800 on 6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu various Sat. Good signal via SDR Heimiswil, Switzerland https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-waves-international-on-6070-via.html GERMANY(non) Pan American Broadcasting Preparing for Jesus on 13579.8v kHz via MBR Tashkent, September 24 1300-1400 on 13579.8vTAC 100 kW / 066 deg to JPN Japanese Saturday. Good signal via SDR Tambov in Russia. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/pab-preparing-for-jesus-on-135798v-via_25.html GERMANY(non) Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting in English on 15265 kHz via MBR Nauen, September 24 1430-1500 on 15265 NAU 250 kW / 102 deg to SoAs English Sat. Very good signal via SDR Tambov in Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/bvbroadcasting-in-english-on-15265-via_25.html GERMANY(non) Reception of HCJB Voice of The Andes in Russian/Chechen on 13800 kHz via MBR Nauen, September 24 1529-1629 on 13800 NAU 100 kW / 100 deg to CeAs Russian/Chechen Sat. Very good signal via SDR Tambov in Russia. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/hcjb-voice-of-andes-on-13800-khz-via.html GERMANY(non) Reception of PAB Frank & Ernest Discussion on 15205 kHz via MBR Nauen, September 25 1430-1445 on 15205 NAU 250 kW / 094 deg to SoAs English Sun. Very good via SDR So Phisal, Thailand https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/pab-frank-ernest-discussion-on-15205_26.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in English on 12000 kHz DRM mode via Agana, September 24: 1058-1128 on 12000 TWR 090 kW / 305 deg to EaAs English Sat DRM. Very good+decoding via SDR So Phisal THA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-english-on-12000-khz-drm_25.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Japanese on 9910 kHz DRM mode via Agana, September 24 1129-1230 on 9910 TWR 050 kW / 350 deg to JPN Japanese Sat DRM. Good+decoding via SDR So Phisal in THA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-japanese-on-9910-khz-drm_25.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Russian on 13660 kHz via Agana, September 24 1702-1802 on 13660 TWR 250 kW / 320 deg to EaEu Russian. Very good via SDR So Phisal, Thailand. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-russian-on-13660-khz-via_25.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Vietnamese on 11550 kHz via Agana, September 25: 1245-1300 on 11550*TWR 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Vietnamese Sun. Very good via SDR So Phisal in THA. * co-channel 11550v MLI 001 kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese Sound of Hope-Xi Wang Zhi Sheng via Miaoli https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-vietnamese-on-11550-khz_26.html GUAM KTWR Asia relay Trans World Radio India in Bhatri on 13740 kHz via Agana, September 25: 1314-1330 on 13740 TWR 250 kW / 285 deg to SoAs Bhatri Sun. Very good via SDR So Phisal in THA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/twr-india-in-bhatri-on-13740-khz-via.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Korean on 9320 kHz via Agana, September 25 from 1344 on 9320 TWR 200 kW / 320 deg to EaAs Korean. Very good via SDR Kanuma Tichigi, JPN https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-korean-on-9320-khz-via_26.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in English on 15205 kHz DRM mode via Agana, September 25 1500-1545 on 15205 TWR 090 kW / 290 deg to SoAs English Sun DRM mode. Very good via SDR So Phisal, THA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-english-on-15205-khz-drm_26.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Ukrainian on 15200 kHz via Agana, September 25 1601-1701 on 15200 TWR 250 kW / 320 deg to EaEu Ukrainian. Very good via SDR So Phisal, Thailand. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-ukrainian-on-15200-khz-via_26.html GUAM Very good signal of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Chinese on 9910 kHz DRM mode via Agana, September 26 1215-1245 on 9910 TWR 090 kW / 305 deg to EaAs Chinese Mon-Fri DRM plus decoding via SDR So Phisal, Thailand. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-chinese-on-9910-khz-drm_26.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in English on 13740 kHz via Agana, September 26: 1245-1300 on 13740 TWR 250 kW / 285 deg to SoAs English Sun-Wed. Very good via SDR So Phisal THA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-english-on-13740-khz-via_26.html GUAM KTWR Asia relay Trans World Radio India in Hindi & English on 13740 kHz via Agana, September 26: 1300-1308 on 13740 TWR 250 kW / 285 deg to SoAs Hindi/English Mon-Fri. Very good via SDR So Phisal, THA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/twr-india-in-hindi-english-on-13740-khz_26.html GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Korean on 9320 kHz via Agana, September 26 from 1314 on 9320 TWR 200 kW / 320 deg to EaAs Korean. Very good via SDR Kanuma Tichigi, JPN https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ktwr-asia-in-korean-on-9320-khz-via_45.html GUAM(non) Reception of BRB Living Water Ministry in Korean on 9900 kHz via KTWR Agana, September 24 1500-1600 on 9900 TWR 250 kW / 335 deg to NEAs Korean Tue-Sat. Very good via SDR So Phisal, Thailand https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/brb-living-water-ministry-on-9900-khz_25.html INDIA Reception of All India Radio External Sce in Nepali on 15030 kHz via Bengaluru, September 24 0900-1030 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 035 deg to CeAs Nepali. Very good signal via SDR So Phisal, Thailand https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/all-india-radio-in-nepali-on-15030-khz_25.html INDIA Reception of All India Radio External Sce in Swahili on 15030 kHz via Bengaluru, September 24 1215-1315 on 15030 BGL 500 kW / 240 deg to EaAf Swahili. Very good signal via SDR So Phisal, Thailand https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/all-india-radio-in-swahili-on-15030-khz_25.html INDIA Reception of All India Radio External Sce in Dari on 9950 kHz via Bengaluru, September 24: 1330-1500 on 9950 BGL 500 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Dari. Very good signal via SDR So Phisal, Thailand https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/all-india-radio-in-dari-on-9950-khz-via_25.html KUWAIT MOI Radio Kuwait in English/Farsi on 15530 kHz via Kabd Sulaibiyah, September 24: 0758&0800 on 15530 KBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English/Farsi. Very good via SDR Heimiswil https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-kuwait-englishfarsi-on-15530-kabd.html NETHERLANDS Registered frequencies of Mike Radio via Heerde, September 24 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/registered-frequencies-of-mike-radio.html NUMBERS STATION Very good signal of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 on 9330 kHz via Bejucal, September 21 from 0750 on 9330*BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri via SDR Frostburg MD, USA *same time on 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 057 deg to SPAI Spanish Daily World's Last Chance Radio Monticello https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/cuban-spy-numbers-hm01-on-9330-khz-via_22.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 9968 kHz USB via Warsaw, September 21 0900-0909 on 9968 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Good signal via SDR Heimiswil, SUI. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/numbers-station-e11-oblique-on-9968-usb_22.html NUMBERS STATION Very good signal of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 on wrong frequency 9240 kHz via Bejucal, September 21: from 1002 on 9240 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri, instead of 9155 via SDR Frostburg MD, USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/cuban-spy-numbers-hm01-on-wrong-9240.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 9963 kHz USB via Warsaw, September 23: 0715-0724 on 9963 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Good signal via SDR Tambov in Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/numbers-station-e11-oblique-on-9963-usb_23.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 5941 kHz USB via Warsaw, September 23 0820-0823 on 5941 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Weak signal via SDR Heimiswil, SUI. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/numbers-station-e11-oblique-on-5941-usb.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 15905 kHz USB via Warsaw, September 23: 0830-0833 on 15905 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Good signal via SDR Tambov in Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/numbers-station-e11-oblique-on-15905.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 9951 kHz USB via Warsaw, September 23: 1000-1003 on 9951 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Good signal via SDR Tambov in Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/numbers-station-e11-oblique-on-9951-usb_23.html NUMBERS STATION Very good signal of Cuban Numbers HM01 on 11462 kHz via Bejucal, September 24 from 0904 on 11462 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish Tue/Thu/Sat via SDR Frostburg MD, USA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/cuban-spy-numbers-hm01-on-11462-khz-via.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 on wrong frequency 9330 kHz via Bejucal, September 25: from 0800 on 9330 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri, instead of 9065 via SDR Frostburg MD https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/cuban-spy-numbers-hm01-on-wrong-9330_25.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 on 10345 & 9330 kHz via Bejucal, September 26: from 0650 on 10345 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish Su/Mo/We/Fr. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD from 0652 on 9330 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish Su/Mo/We/Fr. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/cuban-numbers-hm01-on-10345-khz-via.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 15632 kHz USB via Warsaw, September 26 0715-0718 on 15632 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Fair via SDRHeimiswil in Switzerland https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/numbers-station-e11-oblique-on-15632_26.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 9968 kHz USB via Warsaw, September 26 0900-0909 on 9968 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Good signal via SDR Heimiswil, SUI. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/numbers-station-e11-oblique-on-9968-usb_26.html PALAU Reception of Hope Radio Truth Talks in Chinese on 9965 kHz via T8WH Angel 5 Medorn, September 23: 0830-0845 on 9965 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg to NEAs Chinese Fri. Very good signal via SDR Kanuma Tichigi, JPN till 0830 on 9965 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg to NEAs English Daily; 0845-0850 Hope Radio ANN/Mx & off the air! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/t8wh-angel-5-hope-radio-in-chinese-on.html PHILIPPINES Reception of FEBC Radio / Radio Teos in Russian Ukrainian and Russian on 9920 kHz via Bocaue on September 25: 1500-1530 on 9920 BOC 100 kW / 323 deg to CeAs Russian Sun 1530-1545 on 9920 BOC 100 kW / 323 deg to CeAs Ukrainian Sun 1545-1600 on 9920 BOC 100 kW / 323 deg to CeAs Russian Sun Again wrong time & frequency announcement: 19-20MST on 11650, instead 18-19MST on 9920. Strong via SDR So Phisal, Thailand. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/febc-radio-teos-in-ukrainian-on-9920_26.html PHILIPPINES(non) Vatican Radio in Russian on 9810 and 11805 kHz via USAGM Tinang, September 26 1230-1250 on 9810 PHT 250 kW / 349 deg to FERu Russian. Good signal via SDR So Phisal, Thailand 1230-1250 on 11805 PHT 250 kW / 332 deg to FERu Russian. Very strong via SDR So Phisal, Thailand https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/vatican-radio-in-russian-on-9810-11805_26.html ROMANIA(non) Non-stop test tone 1000Hz on 9510 kHz via RADIOCOM Saftica, September 24: 0800-0900 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu Sat, instead of NEXUS IRRS SW programing at same time 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu Sat - Radio City or 16 Gwendoline Street https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/non-stop-test-tone-on-9510-khz-via.html ROMANIA(non) NEXUS IRRS SW EGR Living The Bible on 9510 kHz via RADIOCOM Saftica, September 25: 0930-1000 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun. Good signal via SDR Heimiswil in SUI https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/irrs-living-bible-on-9510-via-radiocom.html THAILAND HSK9 Radio Thailand World Service in Thai on 9390 kHz via Udorn Thani, September 26: 1200-1230 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 132 deg to AUS English. Very good signal via SDR So Phisal THA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/hsk9-radio-thailand-ws-in-thai-on-9390.html TAIWAN Radio Taiwan International RTI in Amoy on 9400 & 12065 kHz via Paochung, September 23 0900-1000 on 9400 PAO 100 kW / 205 deg to EaAs Amoy. Very good signal via SDR So Phisal, THA. 0900-1000 on 12065 PAO 100 kW / 225 deg to SEAs Amoy. Very good signal via SDR So Phisal, THA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-taiwan-int-in-amoy-on-940012065.html TAIWAN(non) Radio DLSN / Vietnam Democracy Radio in Vietnamese on 9670 kHz via Paochung, September 23: 1230-1258 on 9670 PAO 100 kW / 250 deg to SEAs Vietnamese. Very good signal via SDR So Phisal, Thailand https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/vietnam-democracy-radio-in-on-9670-via.html TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency changes of Radio Free Asia via Dushanbe: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/frequency-changes-of-radio-free-asia.html U.K. Reception of BBC World Service in English on 15740 kHz via ENC-DMS Woofferton, September 24 1200-1300 on 15740 WOF 250 kW / 086 deg to EaEu English Sat/Sun. Very good via SDR Khimki, Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/bbc-ws-on-15740-khz-via-enc-dms.html U.K.(non) New schedule of BBC in Farsi September 22 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/new-schedule-of-bbc-in-farsi-from.html U.K.(non) Reception of Mizzima Radio in Burmese on 17730 kHz via ENC-DMS Al-Dhabbayya, September 26 1130-1300 on 17730 DHA 250 kW / 090 deg to SEAs Burmese. Very good signal via SDR So Phisal, Thailand https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/mizzima-radio-on-17730-via-enc-dms-al_26.html USA Very good signal of Scriptures For America in English on 9940 kHz via WTWW-3 Lebannon, September 21 0359&0502 on 9940 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to WeEu English via SDR Half Moon Bay CA & SDR Boca Raton FL USA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/scriptures-for-america-on-9940-via-wtww_22.html USA Reception of WTWW-2 Voice of Freedom & QSO Radio Show on 5085 kHz via Lebannon, September 21: 0434&0445 on 5085 TWW 100 kW / 180 deg to SoAm English. Very good signal via SDR Frostburg MD, USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wtww-2-in-english-on-5085-khz-via_22.html USA Very good signal of Viva Miami in Spanish on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, September 21 0615-0630 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Spanish Wed/Fri via SDR Frostburg MD, USA & then from 0630 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu World Music and WRMI ID in English via same SDR. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/viva-miami-in-spanish-on-7730-via-wrmi_22.html USA Reception of WEWN-3 Radio Catolica Mundial in Spanish on 5970 kHz via Vandiver, September 21: 1158-1201 on 5970 EWN 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm open carrier / dead air / no audio via Vandiver and 1201-1356 on 5970 EWN 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish. Very good signal via SDR Frostburg MD, USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wewn-3-radio-catolica-mundial-on-5970_22.html USA Reception of WEWN-2 Radio Catolica Mundial in Spanish on 12050 kHz via Vandiver, September 21: 1355-1400 on 12050 EWN 100 kW / 155 deg to CeAm EWTN WEWN Radio Catolica Mundial Interval Signal and from 1400 on 12050 EWN 100 kW / 155 deg to CeAm Spanish. Very good signal via SDR Frostburg MD, USA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wewn-2-radio-catolica-mundial-on-12050_22.html USA Reception of WJHR Radio International in English on 15555 kHz USB mode via Milton, September 21: from 1349 on 15555 JHR 050 kW / 005 deg to WNAm English. Fair/good signal via SDR Frostburg, MD in USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wjhr-radio-in-english-on-15555-khz-usb.html USA Unscheduled broadcast Brother Stair TOM in English after 0400UT on 5800 kHz via WRMI-10 Okeechobee, September 22 from 0727 on 5800 RMI 100 kW / 160 deg to LaAm English. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD in USA and continues at 0750UT 0400-2200 on 5800 RMI 100 kW / 160 deg to LaAm English Brother Stair TOM is deleted in WRMI schedule from September 9 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/unscheduled-bstom-on-5800-via-wrmi-10.html USA New schedule of WEWN-3 Radio Catolica Mundial on 5970 kHz via Vandiver https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/new-schedule-of-wewn-3-radio-catolica.html USA Reception of World's Last Chance Radio in English on 9330 kHz via WBCQ Monticello, September 22: 1200-1357 on 9330 BCQ 250 kW / 253 deg to CNAm - NO SIGNAL of World's Last Chance Radio via same SDR! 1400-1657 on 9330 BCQ 250 kW / 253 deg to WNAm English. Very good signal via SDR Frostburg, MD in USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wlcradio-in-english-on-9330-khz-via.html USA Reception of WRNO Worldwide Radio in Hindi on 7505 kHz via New Orleans, September 23: till 0402 on 7505 RNO 050 kW / 020 deg to ENAm Hindi. Very strong via SDR Frostburg MD USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wrno-radio-in-hindi-on-7505-khz-via-new.html USA Reception of WRNO Worldwide Radio in English on 7505 kHz via New Orleans, September 23 0435&0529 on 7505 RNO 050 kW / 020 deg to ENAm Hindi. Good signal via SDR Frostburg MD, USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wrno-radio-in-english-on-7505-khz-via.html USA Reception of Viva Miami in Spanish on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, September 23: 0615-0630 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Spanish Fri. Good via SDR Frostburg MD USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/viva-miami-in-spanish-on-7730-wrmi-01.html USA Reception of WTWW-2 QSO Radio Show in English on 5085 kHz via Lebannon, September 24 from 0605 on 5085 TWW 100 kW / 180 deg to SoAm English. Very signal via SDR Frostburg MD. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wtww-2-qso-radio-show-on-5085-khz-via_25.html USA Updated schedule of WINB Radio Red Lion in Hybrid DRM mode https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/updated-schedule-of-winb-radio-red-lion.html USA Reception of WTWW-2 QSO Radio Show in English on 5085 kHz via Lebannon, September 26: 0424&0604 on 5085 TWW 100 kW / 180 deg to SoAm English. Very good via SDR Frostburg MD USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/wtww-2-qso-radio-show-on-5085-khz-via_26.html USA(non) USAGM Radio Liberty in Russian on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, September 22 0400-0500 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Russian. Good signal via SDR Frostburg MD: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-liberty-on-7730-khz-via-wrmi-01_22.html USA(non) Reception of Ukrainian Radio in Slovak on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, September 22 0500-0600 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Slovak/Ukr. Very good via SDR Frostburg, MD in USA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ukrainian-radio-in-slovak-on-7730-khz.html USA(non) Unscheduled Radio Tirana in German on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, September 22 0628-0630 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu German. Good signal via SDR Frostburg MD, USA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-tirana-in-german-on-7730-wrmi-01_22.html USA(non) Reception of Ukrainian Radio in Slovak on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, September 23 0500-0600 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Slovak/Ukr. Very good via SDR Frostburg, MD in USA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/ukrainian-radio-in-slovak-on-7730-wrmi.html USA(non) Radio For Peace International in Russian on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, September 23 0600-0615 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Russian Wed/Fri. Good via SDR Heimiswil, Switzerland https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/rfpi-in-russian-on-7730-khz-via-wrmi-01.html USA(non) Reception of Vatican Radio in Spanish on 7305 kHz via USAGM Greenville, September 24 1115-1130 on 7305 GB 250 kW / 168 deg to CeAm 15 minutes dead air for 15 minutes transmission 1130-1145 on 7305 GB 250 kW / 168 deg to CeAm Spanish. Very good via SDR Frostburg, MD in USA https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/vatican-radio-in-spanish-on-7305-via_25.html USA(non) Unscheduled Radio Tirana in German on 7730 kHz via WRMI-01 Okeechobee, September 26 0628-0630 on 7730 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu German. Good signal via SDR Frostburg MD, USA. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-tirana-in-german-on-7730-wrmi-01_26.html UZBEKISTAN(non) BVBroadcasting in English on 11590 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, September 21: 1252-1300 on 11590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs 8 minutes open carrier/dead air via Tashkent then 1300-1330 on 11590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs English Wed. Fair/good via Kanuma Tichigi, Japan. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/bvbroadcasting-in-english-on-11590-khz_22.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Brother Stair on 9290 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, September 21 1325-1330 on 9290 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to NEAs open carrier / dead air / and then Brother Stair 1330-1500 on 9290 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to NEAs English Daily. Fair/good via Kanuma Tichigi, JPN https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/brother-stair-on-9290-khz-via-rrtm_22.html UZBEKISTAN(non) North Korea Reform Radio on 11569.8v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, September 24: 1400-1500 on 11569.8vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Daily. Fair to good via SDR Tambov, Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/north-korea-reform-radio-on-115698v-khz_25.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow on 7609.9v kHz via Tashkent from September 22 1730-1800 on 7609.9vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi, instead of 1630-1700 on same frequency https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/rranginkaman-at-new-time-on-7610-via.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Free North Korea on 11510 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, September 25 1300-1400 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair + jamming via SDR Tambov, Russia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-free-north-korea-on-11510-khz-via_26.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Voice of Wilderness in Korean on 9365 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, September 25 from 1400 on 9365 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Very good via SDR Kanuma Tichigi in Japan https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/voice-of-wilderness-in-korean-on-9365_26.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow on 7609.9v kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, September 25 1730-1800 on 7609.9vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi. Fair/good signal via SDR So Phisal in Thailand. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/09/radio-ranginkamanrainbow-on-7610v-khz.html
LZ2GPB blog dedicated to the hobby of shortwave DX-ing... because real radio bounces off the sky!
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