Sunday, December 7, 2014

Polish Radio won't terminate its longwave transmissions

It appeared that the information in the international DX press that the Polish Radio is going to switch off its longwave transmitter is wrong. It appeared first on the EuroRadio forum and later was passed to many DX circles and mailing lists, but there's no such information on the "Jedynka" website, nor in its Facebook page.

Dominique from Poland got interested in the issue and contacted Roman Czejarek, Polish Radio employee and active participant in the construction of the Solec Kujawski transmitter site.

Here is the answer: "I do not know anything about such a plan. No one has given such information, at least here in Poland."

He also gave some interesting facts: The longwave transmitter is 40-50% cheaper for the Polish Radio than the network of FM transmitters. That's because the transmitter site in Solec Kujawski is wholly-owned by the Polish Radio and the FM transmitters are leased from a private company.

3 months ago marked the 15th anniversary of the PR1 longwave transmitter site. On the event, the general director of the Polish Radio said that more than 40% of the PR1 audience is listening to the station via longwave radio. He also said that they receive many listeners' letters from Poland and all over Europe.

In 2012, a new campaign for switching off the longwave transmitter began, but soon the station started to receive many listeners' letters of complain which were then read on the air and it was finally decided that the campaign should be terminated.

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