CANADA A-12 of Radio Canada International until June 26 when the station
will cease transmissions of shortwave. In the footsteps of Radio Bulgaria!!
0200-0230 on 5950 SMG 100 kW / 114 deg to N/ME
0200-0230 on 7230 WOF 100 kW / 114 deg to N/ME
0300-0330 on 5990 WOF 100 kW / 114 deg to N/ME
0300-0330 on 7230 SMG 100 kW / 114 deg to N/ME
1900-1930 on 15180 WOF 500 kW / 114 deg to N/ME
1900-1930 on 15235 SAC 250 kW / 073 deg to NCAf
0000-0100 on 9690 KIM 100 kW / 225 deg to EaAs
0000-0100 on 12015 PHT 250 kW / 349 deg to EaAs
1100-1200 on 9490 PHT 250 kW / 332 deg to EaAs
1100-1200 on 9570 KIM 100 kW / 205 deg to EaAs
1500-1600 on 6110 YAM 300 kW / 290 deg to EaAs
1500-1600 on 11730 YAM 250 kW / 240 deg to EaAs
2200-2300 on 9525 KIM 100 kW / 225 deg to EaAs
2200-2300 on 9870 KIM 100 kW / 305 deg to EaAs
0000-0100 on 11700 KUN 150 kW / 177 deg to SEAs
1500-1600 on 11675 KUN 500 kW / 283 deg to SoAf
1500-1600 on 15125 URU 500 kW / 212 deg to SoAs
1500-1530 on 17815 SMG 125 kW / 085 deg to SoAs DRM mode
1800-1900 on 9530 KAS 100 kW / 239 deg to EaAf
1800-1900 on 11765 SKN 300 kW / 160 deg to EaAf
1800-1900 on 17810 SKN 250 kW / 175 deg to NCAf
2000-2100 on 15330 SAC 250 kW / 105 deg to CeAf
2000-2100 on 15235 SAC 250 kW / 073 deg to NEAf
2000-2100 on 17735 SAC 250 kW / 105 deg to CeAf
1900-2000 on 11765 KAS 100 kW / 239 deg to EaAf
1900-2000 on 13730 SMG 250 kW / 199 deg to CeAf
1900-2000 on 15320 SKN 250 kW / 180 deg to NWAf
1900-2000 on 17735 SAC 250 kW / 105 deg to NWAf
2100-2200 on 9525 SMG 100 kW / 184 deg to CeAf
2100-2200 on 15235 SAC 250 kW / 073 deg to NCAf
2100-2200 on 15330 SAC 250 kW / 105 deg to CeAf
2100-2200 on 17735 SAC 250 kW / 105 deg to CeAf
2300-2330 on 9525 KIM 100 kW / 225 deg to SEAs
Portuguese Fri-Sun
2100-2130 on 15455 SAC 250 kW / 163 deg to SEAm
2100-2130 on 17860 SAC 250 kW / 163 deg to SEAm
2200-2230 on 17860 SAC 250 kW / 163 deg to SEAm
2300-2330 on 13760 SAC 250 kW / 163 deg to SEAm
1500-1530 on 15325 WOF 250 kW / 070 deg to EaEu
1600-1630 on 15325 WOF 250 kW / 070 deg to EaEu
2200-2230 on 11990 SAC 250 kW / 176 deg to SoAm
2200-2230 on 15455 SAC 250 kW / 176 deg to SoAm
2300-2330 on 11990 SAC 250 kW / 176 deg to SoAm
2300-2330 on 15455 SAC 250 kW / 176 deg to SoAm
0000-0030 on 11990 SAC 250 kW / 176 deg to SoAm
0000-0030 on 13760 SAC 250 kW / 240 deg to CeAm
0100-0130 on 11990 SAC 250 kW / 212 deg to CeAm
EGYPT New registered frequencies of Radio Cairo, maybe upcominig changes:
1300-1400 on 17725 ABZ 250 kW / 070 deg to WeAs Dari, now on 15065
1400-1600 on 15240 ABZ 250 kW / 070 deg to WeAs Pashto, now on 15065
1400-1600 on 17640 ABZ 250 kW / 070 deg to WeAs Pashto, now on 15065
1600-1700 on 13680 ABS 250 kW / 315 deg to EaEu Bosnian, new language
FRENCH GUIANA Frequency change of TDP station The Disco Palace in DRM:
2000-2100 NF 17875 GUF 100 kW / 311 deg to NoAm, ex 17755 to avoid RHC 17750
GUAM Frequency change of AWR KSDA Agat in English to SoAs from April 8:
1600-1630 NF 11825 SDA 100 kW / 285 deg, ex 11750 to avoid SLBC in Tagalog
Music, instead of Arab Woman Today in Arabic:
0800-0815 on 11910 TIG 300 kW / 140 deg to N&ME/WeAS Wed
1500-1515 on 15190 TIG 300 kW / 140 deg to N/ME/WeAS Fri
Free Speech Radio News (FSRN), instead of Radio Joystick:
0800-0900 on 9510 TIG 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEU/NoEU 1st Sat
Free Speech Radio News (FSRN), instead of Radio City:
0800-0900 on 9510 TIG 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEU/NoEU German 3rd Sat
Radio Santec Universal Life (UNL) in English, cancelled:
1500-1530 on 15190 TIG 300 kW / 100 deg to AS/AUS/NZ Sun
KOREA NORTH(non) Frequency change of Voice of Martyrs in Korean from Apr.7
1600-1730 NF 7515 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg, ex 7485 to avoid RL in Turkmen. In
the coming days should change the time of transmission: 1500-1630 on 7515.
KOREA NORTH(non) Additional broadcast of Radio Free North Korea in Korean:
1900-2100 on 7530 ERV 100 kW / 065 deg. First noted on April 1.
MADAGASCAR Frequency and transmitter site changes of Zimbabwe Community
Radio/Radio Dialogue in English, Ndebele and Shona to Zimbabwe from April 1
1600-1700 NF 12115 MDC 250 kW / 265 deg, ex 5890 MEY 100 kW / 000 deg
U.K.(non) Some BABCOCK changes from April 1:
WYFR Family Radio changes:
1500-1600 NF 13690 DHA 250 kW / 105 deg to SoAs English, ex 11605
1830-1930 NF 17550 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa, ex 19-20 on 9685 DHA
Radio Damal The Voice of the Somali People in Somali, temporarily suspended
0400-0700 on 15700 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf
1830-1930 on 11740 WOF 300 kW / 122 deg to EaAf
1930-2130 on 11650 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf
RTE Radio One in English:
1930-2000 on 5820 MEY 100 kW / non-dir to SoAf, ex 1930-2030
Gospel for Asia in various SEAs langs, all transmissions are cancelled:
2330-2400 on 6040 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SEAs
0000-0130 on 6145 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SEAs
1600-1630 on 9810 DHA 250 kW / 100 deg to SEAs
1615-1630 on 9810 DHA 250 kW / 070 deg to SEAs Sun-Wed
IBRA Radio in Somali from May 1:
1730-1800 NF 11740 MEY 100 kW / 020 deg to EaAf,ex 11610 to avoid VOR in Fr
USA(and non) Brother Stair via Tiganesti/Wertachtal/Yerevan from April 2
0700-1000 on 15750 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Sat
1300-1500 on 15190 TIG 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs
1400-1500 on 9655 WER 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu
1500-1600 on 13810 WER 100 kW / 120 deg to N/ME
1500-1700 on 15700 TIG 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs Sat, cancelled from Apr.14
1600-1700 on 15425 ERV 300 kW / 125 deg to SEAs, not 1500-1700
1800-2200 on 9400 ERV 100 kW / 305 deg to WeEu
USA Frequency change of WEWN in English to SEAs from April 14:
1100-1300 NF 11520*EWN 250 kW / 355 deg, ex 11565 to aviod WHRI, re-ex 9390
1300-1500 on 9390 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs, cancelled for maintenance!
*til 1200 co-ch WYFR Family Radio in Tagalog via Paochung, Taiwan!
USA Upcoming frequency change of WYFR Family R. in Portuguese to Brasil
2200-0100 NF 15745 YFR 100 kW / 142 deg, ex 15190 to avoid R.Inconfidencia
USA(and non) Frequency change of WYFR Family Radio in Burmese from Apr.3:
1300-1400 NF 17605 TAC 200 kW / 131 deg to SEAs, ex 12160 A-A
USA(and non) Frequency change of Voice of America:
1330-1430 NF 11565 IRA 250 kW / 073 deg to SEAs, ex 11540*in Khmer
1600-1700 NF 9400 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAs, ex 9435 in Georgian
* to avoid WYFR Family Radio in English via Hu Wei, Taiwan
USA(and non) Frequency changes of Radio Liberty:
1400-1500 NF 12025 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAs, ex 11730 in Turkmen
1500-1600 NF 12025 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs, ex 9830 in Turkmen
1500-1600 NF 9400 BIB 100 kW / 088 deg to CeAs, ex 12025 in Azeri
LZ2GPB blog dedicated to the hobby of shortwave DX-ing... because real radio bounces off the sky!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
65 years of Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Today it is exactly 65 years ago that Radio Netherlands Worldwide began its activities as an international broadcaster. A lot has changed over the years, so time to look back.
On 15 April 1947, RNW was set up by the Dutch government. The new foundation was charged with “putting together and preparing radio programmes to be received outside the borders of the Netherlands” and began broadcasting in Dutch, Indonesian, English and Spanish.
RNW from 1947 until today
In the early days RNW had a ‘Greetings Department’, since making phone calls across the globe was difficult and very expensive. RNW also broadcast news, current affairs and cultural programmes. The broadcasts of this period reflect the post-war reconstruction phase. In 1949, broadcasting started in Arabic and in Afrikaans for South Africa.
In the early days RNW had a ‘Greetings Department’, since making phone calls across the globe was difficult and very expensive. RNW also broadcast news, current affairs and cultural programmes. The broadcasts of this period reflect the post-war reconstruction phase. In 1949, broadcasting started in Arabic and in Afrikaans for South Africa.
In 1950, a new department was set up to compile radio programmes and distribute them to foreign stations. At the same time music activities were begun by way of partner stations abroad. RNW also gained an important new target group: Dutch emigrants in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In 1952, RNW began broadcasts aimed specifically at them.
In 1964, RNW’s music department was one of the first in Europe to make music recordings in stereo for foreign FM stations. The Radio Netherlands Training Centre was set up in 1968 to train radio personnel from developing countries. A French department was opened in 1969 and broadcasts in Portuguese to Brazil began in 1974. In 1975, there was a review of the programmes broadcast on short wave: a stronger emphasis was placed on news and current affairs programmes.
In 1964, RNW’s music department was one of the first in Europe to make music recordings in stereo for foreign FM stations. The Radio Netherlands Training Centre was set up in 1968 to train radio personnel from developing countries. A French department was opened in 1969 and broadcasts in Portuguese to Brazil began in 1974. In 1975, there was a review of the programmes broadcast on short wave: a stronger emphasis was placed on news and current affairs programmes.
1990 - today
In 1991, RNW became the first organisation in the Netherlands, apart from the Dutch PTT, to be granted a licence to broadcast programmes directly by satellite for radio stations in Latin America. This was followed in 1992 by collaboration with local radio stations in Latin America. In 1994, RNW began working together with domestic broadcasters on the exchange and co-production of programmes. An RNW office was opened in West Africa in 1995 to serve listeners in the region via local radio stations.
In 1991, RNW became the first organisation in the Netherlands, apart from the Dutch PTT, to be granted a licence to broadcast programmes directly by satellite for radio stations in Latin America. This was followed in 1992 by collaboration with local radio stations in Latin America. In 1994, RNW began working together with domestic broadcasters on the exchange and co-production of programmes. An RNW office was opened in West Africa in 1995 to serve listeners in the region via local radio stations.
Today RNW provides independent information and background reports in countries where press freedom is not a matter of course. This means that millions of people around the world with little or no access to information can enjoy reliable and impartial reporting. News about their own country and their own situation, as well as international news from a Dutch perspective.
RNW operates in ten languages (Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Indonesian, Papiamento, Portuguese, Sarnami and Spanish) on short wave, satellite, internet Facebook, Twitter, Apps and partner stations all over the world.
Watch a video about Frans Klooster, RNW's longest-serving employee
From 2013 everything will be changing. Last year the Dutch government decided to cut back RNW’s budget drastically. In future RNW is to limit its focus to providing impartial information to people in countries where press freedom is an issue.
From 2013 everything will be changing. Last year the Dutch government decided to cut back RNW’s budget drastically. In future RNW is to limit its focus to providing impartial information to people in countries where press freedom is an issue.
For a small group of RNW employees this will be a new challenge. Sadly, for the majority of the staff and for a large part of our audience this will mean the end of an era.
(Source : Radio Netherlands Worldwide)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Reception reports
Reception reports sent to:
- China Radio International - crieng@cri.com.cn
- Radio Romania International - engl@rri.ro
- Voice Of Islamic Republic Of Iran - englishradio@irib.ir
- CVC OneAfrica - 1africa@cvc.tv
Monday, April 9, 2012
Tatarstan Wave - Reception report

The reception report will be mailed to the QSL Manager of the station:
Na Volne Tatarstana
QSL Manager -- Ildus Ibatullin
P.O. Box 134
Kazan, Tatarstan, 420136
QSL Manager -- Ildus Ibatullin
P.O. Box 134
Kazan, Tatarstan, 420136
China Radio International - Reception report
The reception report was emailed to the English department of China Radio International: crieng@cri.com.cn !
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Writing reception reports
An example of usual reception report, I send to overseas broadcasters every day. This one is for the English language broadcast of Voice Of Russia World Service via the transmitter facility in Serpukhov, South of Moscow. Some tips:
1. Include as many program details as you can.
2. Include program comments - stations love to hear about themselves.
3. Include detailed information about yourself and your hobby - how did you get interested in shortwave listening
4. Include return postage, if you're not writing to a big shortwave broadcaster like Voice Of America, Voice Of Russia, China Radio International - they've got enough money. :)))
5. Don't lie, if the reception was poor, tell it. If the program is not interesting to you, give some advices for improving it.
Hope this helped you. 73!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne
Contact was made with the station manager. Email was sent to: fils_ngana@yahoo.fr !
Dear Sir,Got a reply the next day:
I am a shortwave listener from Bulgaria, a small country in South Eastern Europe. I frequently tune to your broadcasts on 6165kHz to learn a bit about your home country. The traditional music from Chad is wonderful and I can listen it for hours and hours. Do you provide sending cards and pictures of the radio station to listeners? I'll send you a reception report along with money (USD dollars) to your postal address, is it possible to send me some brochures and information about your country and your radio station? I want to learn more about them. Let's keep in touch.
Dear Georgi,
It's very kind of you for this report. Thanks.
You know, about brochures and others you like to send US Dollar, ok but let me give you an other adress because many of those kind of correspondences were lost. So, please get here the safety adress: Dingamtoudji Ngana Esaie, EET N12. P.O Box 4012, Ndjamena/Tchad Tel +235 62363237. My email adress is the same.
Let's keep in touch
Radio Canada International
Spending cuts announced last week in Canada's latest federal budget have
reached Radio Canada International. Speaking to employees at RCI's
headquarters in Montreal on Wednesday, RCI director Helene Parent
declared that two out of three RCI employees, about 40 people, will
lose their jobs by the end of July. RCI's Russian and Portugueuse
sections will be closed along with the English and French-language
All shortwave broadcasts will cease as well. RCI will continue to exist solely on the Internet in five languages - English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Mandarin.
What a pity, let the RCI staff to expect their audience to reach 0%. Another international broadcaster is dying. Radio Budapest, Radio Ukraine, Radio Sweden, Radio Norway, Radio Bulgaria, Radio Finland, Radio Denmark, Swiss Radio International, RAI International, Radio Prague, Radio Slovakia, RTBF Belgium, Radio Vilnius are now off the air, some no longer exist. Polish Radio External Service cut its English language broadcasts. The only remaining shortwave facility of Deutsche Welle is located in Rwanda, Radio France International is going to cease all shortwave transmissions in 2013. Radio Netherlands' facility in Bonaire to be closed in the November 2012..Who's next? What the shortwave spectrum is going to look like in the next few years? Please, comment!
The shortwave stations, still broadcasting in the year of 2015:
All shortwave broadcasts will cease as well. RCI will continue to exist solely on the Internet in five languages - English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Mandarin.
What a pity, let the RCI staff to expect their audience to reach 0%. Another international broadcaster is dying. Radio Budapest, Radio Ukraine, Radio Sweden, Radio Norway, Radio Bulgaria, Radio Finland, Radio Denmark, Swiss Radio International, RAI International, Radio Prague, Radio Slovakia, RTBF Belgium, Radio Vilnius are now off the air, some no longer exist. Polish Radio External Service cut its English language broadcasts. The only remaining shortwave facility of Deutsche Welle is located in Rwanda, Radio France International is going to cease all shortwave transmissions in 2013. Radio Netherlands' facility in Bonaire to be closed in the November 2012..Who's next? What the shortwave spectrum is going to look like in the next few years? Please, comment!
The shortwave stations, still broadcasting in the year of 2015:
- China Radio International
- Radio Habana Cuba and the Cuban Lady numbers station
- Radio Vatican and the shit load of Evangelical fundamentalists from the USA and Canada
- Voice Of Korea and of course Pyongyang BS
- A few pirates and a dozen of clandestine stations to Eritrea
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Polish Radio External Service
Tonight's edition of "What's Up?" confirmed that Polish Radio External Service in English is dropped from shortwave from start of A-12 Season. Only available on Internet, satellite & via WRN from 25 March 2012.
Another shortwave broadcaster slowly disappearing from the HF spectrum. The remaining shortwave broadcasts from Poland are in Belarusian, Polish and Russian, all via Woofferton.
Another shortwave broadcaster slowly disappearing from the HF spectrum. The remaining shortwave broadcasts from Poland are in Belarusian, Polish and Russian, all via Woofferton.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
GREECE New start time for evening programs from Greece effective Mar.25:
ERT-3 Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias in Greek:
from 1400 on 9935 AVL 100 kW 285 deg to WeEu, not from 1500 on same
ERA-5 Voice of Greece in Greek:
from 1400 on 9420 AVL 170 kW 323 deg to WeEu, not from 1500 on same
from 1400 on 15650#AVL 100 kW 285 deg to WeEu, not from 1500 on 15630
# strong co-ch Radio Liberty in Turkmen
And what time is the end for ERA-5 Voice of Greece, maybe 0300 not 0400
MADAGASCAR Frequency change for AWR in Malagasy:
1430-1530 NF 6125 MDC 050 kW / 020 deg to MDC, ex 6155, re-ex 3125
MADAGASCAR A-12 schedule of Fiangonana Loterana in Malagasy:
1700-1725 NF 6155 MDC 050 kW / 020 deg to MDC, ex 1630-1655 on 3215
MOROCCO More & more frequency changes of RTV Marocaine in Arabic to NEAf
0900-1500 NF 15349.2v*NAD 250 kW / 110 deg, ex 15341.2v, March 31&April 1/2
1500-2100 NF 15349.2v#NAD 250 kW / 110 deg, ex 15345.2v, March 31&April 1/2
* 0900-1100 bad QRM from CRI in English on nominal 15350.0
* 1130-1230 bad QRM from VOA in Burmese on nominal 15350.0
* 1230-1500 bad QRM from GFA in various on nominal 15350.0
# 1500-1600 bad QRM from RVA in Tagalog on nominal 15350.0
ROMANIA Summer A-11 schedule of Radio Romania International:
0630-0657 on 11790 15180 15400 17575
1400-1457 on 11830 11945 15160 15490
1430-1457 on 6060
1630-1657 on 5980
1830-1857 on 5920
0400-0427 on 17780 21540%
1300-1327 on 15435 17850
0000-0057 on 9700 11965
0300-0357 on 9645 11795 11895 15340
0530-0557 on 9700 17760 21500 11875!
1100-1157 on 15210 15430 17510 17670
1700-1757 on *9535 11740
2030-2057 on !9700 11880 13800 15220
2200-2257 on 7435 9540 9790 11940
0100-0157 on 9700 11965
0500-0527 on 9700 15340 17770 11830$
1000-1057 on 15240 15380 17785 17795
1600-1657 on 9680 11950
2000-2027 on $9700 11970
0600-0627 on *7230 9700
1200-1257 on 9675 11875
1800-1857 on *9495 11940
1400-1427 on 9800
1600-1627 on 7445
1800-1827 on ^5920
0000-0057 on 9525 11750
0100-0157 on 9525 11750
0400-0457 on 7350 9770
0700-0757 on 12010 15260 15760 17720 "Curierul romanesc" Sun
0800-0857 on 12010 15450 15700 17860 "Curierul romanesc" Sun
0900-0957 on 15240 15380 17600 17860 "Curierul romanesc" Sun
1200-1257 on 9410 11700 15135
1300-1357 on 11700 15135
1500-1557 on 11910 15130
1600-1657 on 9690 11665
1700-1757 on 11970 15310
1800-1857 on 11970 15310
1900-1957 on 11970 15310
0430-0457 on &7390 9800
1330-1357 on 11835 13640
1500-1557 on 9690 11615&
1530-1557 on 6025
1730-1757 on 6125
1930-1957 on 6125
0200-0257 on 9520 9645 11795 11945
1900-1957 on 9700 11795
2100-2157 on 17745 21510
2300-2357 on 9655 9745 11795 11955
1500-1527 on 6060
1700-1727 on 5950
1900-1927 on 6125
* DRM via TIG 300 kW / 307 deg
^ DRM via TIG 100 kW / 270 deg
% DRM via TIG 300 kW / 067 deg
& DRM via TIG 300 kW / 037 deg
! DRM via GAL 300 kW / 300 deg
$ DRM via GAL 300 kW / 285 deg
RUSSIA Change made in the last minute from Voice of Russia:
1500-1700 NF 11610 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to Eu/Af, ex 12030 in Serbian
1700-1900 NF 11610 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to Eu/Af, ex 12030 in French
RUSSIA Distorted audio for Voice of Russia in Turkish 2h + English 2h:
1400-1800 on 11985.7 SRP 500 kW / 185 deg to N/ME, instead of nominal 11985
USA(and non) WYFR Family Radio via A-A 300 kW / 177 deg to SoAs:
1400-1500 on 7529.3v in Punjabi, instead of nominal 7530
1500-1600 on 11504.3v in Punjabi, instead of nominal 11505
1600-1700 on 11504.3v in Urdu, instead of nominal 11505
USA(and non) WYFR Family Radio via TRM 250 kW / 075 deg to SEAs:
1100-1200 on 13630 in Illocano, not confirmed, also no signal on alt. 13660
1200-1300 on 13720 in Cebuano, not confirmed, also no signal on alt. 13575
1200-1300 on 13630 in Tagalog, confirmed
According to IBB Radio Monitoring System:
1000-1100 on 17845 in Tagalog, not confirmed
1100-1200 on 17845 in Illocano, not confirmed
1200-1300 on 17855 in Cebuano, not confirmed
ERT-3 Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias in Greek:
from 1400 on 9935 AVL 100 kW 285 deg to WeEu, not from 1500 on same
ERA-5 Voice of Greece in Greek:
from 1400 on 9420 AVL 170 kW 323 deg to WeEu, not from 1500 on same
from 1400 on 15650#AVL 100 kW 285 deg to WeEu, not from 1500 on 15630
# strong co-ch Radio Liberty in Turkmen
And what time is the end for ERA-5 Voice of Greece, maybe 0300 not 0400
MADAGASCAR Frequency change for AWR in Malagasy:
1430-1530 NF 6125 MDC 050 kW / 020 deg to MDC, ex 6155, re-ex 3125
MADAGASCAR A-12 schedule of Fiangonana Loterana in Malagasy:
1700-1725 NF 6155 MDC 050 kW / 020 deg to MDC, ex 1630-1655 on 3215
MOROCCO More & more frequency changes of RTV Marocaine in Arabic to NEAf
0900-1500 NF 15349.2v*NAD 250 kW / 110 deg, ex 15341.2v, March 31&April 1/2
1500-2100 NF 15349.2v#NAD 250 kW / 110 deg, ex 15345.2v, March 31&April 1/2
* 0900-1100 bad QRM from CRI in English on nominal 15350.0
* 1130-1230 bad QRM from VOA in Burmese on nominal 15350.0
* 1230-1500 bad QRM from GFA in various on nominal 15350.0
# 1500-1600 bad QRM from RVA in Tagalog on nominal 15350.0
ROMANIA Summer A-11 schedule of Radio Romania International:
0630-0657 on 11790 15180 15400 17575
1400-1457 on 11830 11945 15160 15490
1430-1457 on 6060
1630-1657 on 5980
1830-1857 on 5920
0400-0427 on 17780 21540%
1300-1327 on 15435 17850
0000-0057 on 9700 11965
0300-0357 on 9645 11795 11895 15340
0530-0557 on 9700 17760 21500 11875!
1100-1157 on 15210 15430 17510 17670
1700-1757 on *9535 11740
2030-2057 on !9700 11880 13800 15220
2200-2257 on 7435 9540 9790 11940
0100-0157 on 9700 11965
0500-0527 on 9700 15340 17770 11830$
1000-1057 on 15240 15380 17785 17795
1600-1657 on 9680 11950
2000-2027 on $9700 11970
0600-0627 on *7230 9700
1200-1257 on 9675 11875
1800-1857 on *9495 11940
1400-1427 on 9800
1600-1627 on 7445
1800-1827 on ^5920
0000-0057 on 9525 11750
0100-0157 on 9525 11750
0400-0457 on 7350 9770
0700-0757 on 12010 15260 15760 17720 "Curierul romanesc" Sun
0800-0857 on 12010 15450 15700 17860 "Curierul romanesc" Sun
0900-0957 on 15240 15380 17600 17860 "Curierul romanesc" Sun
1200-1257 on 9410 11700 15135
1300-1357 on 11700 15135
1500-1557 on 11910 15130
1600-1657 on 9690 11665
1700-1757 on 11970 15310
1800-1857 on 11970 15310
1900-1957 on 11970 15310
0430-0457 on &7390 9800
1330-1357 on 11835 13640
1500-1557 on 9690 11615&
1530-1557 on 6025
1730-1757 on 6125
1930-1957 on 6125
0200-0257 on 9520 9645 11795 11945
1900-1957 on 9700 11795
2100-2157 on 17745 21510
2300-2357 on 9655 9745 11795 11955
1500-1527 on 6060
1700-1727 on 5950
1900-1927 on 6125
* DRM via TIG 300 kW / 307 deg
^ DRM via TIG 100 kW / 270 deg
% DRM via TIG 300 kW / 067 deg
& DRM via TIG 300 kW / 037 deg
! DRM via GAL 300 kW / 300 deg
$ DRM via GAL 300 kW / 285 deg
RUSSIA Change made in the last minute from Voice of Russia:
1500-1700 NF 11610 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to Eu/Af, ex 12030 in Serbian
1700-1900 NF 11610 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to Eu/Af, ex 12030 in French
RUSSIA Distorted audio for Voice of Russia in Turkish 2h + English 2h:
1400-1800 on 11985.7 SRP 500 kW / 185 deg to N/ME, instead of nominal 11985
USA(and non) WYFR Family Radio via A-A 300 kW / 177 deg to SoAs:
1400-1500 on 7529.3v in Punjabi, instead of nominal 7530
1500-1600 on 11504.3v in Punjabi, instead of nominal 11505
1600-1700 on 11504.3v in Urdu, instead of nominal 11505
USA(and non) WYFR Family Radio via TRM 250 kW / 075 deg to SEAs:
1100-1200 on 13630 in Illocano, not confirmed, also no signal on alt. 13660
1200-1300 on 13720 in Cebuano, not confirmed, also no signal on alt. 13575
1200-1300 on 13630 in Tagalog, confirmed
According to IBB Radio Monitoring System:
1000-1100 on 17845 in Tagalog, not confirmed
1100-1200 on 17845 in Illocano, not confirmed
1200-1300 on 17855 in Cebuano, not confirmed
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Global HF-Pirate Weekend and some other logs
Observations time
Station name
program consisted of ance and pop music selection with several breaks for
announcements, contact information and reading reception reports.
program started a few minutes after 0930UTC with rock songs and
instrumentals. The signal peaked at times, but was unstable. Station name and
contact information took place several times.
program started at 0900UTC. It consisted mostly of rock and rock’n roll
music, as well as frequent announcements of the station name and reading
reception reports from listeners. The signal faded at times, but the
modulation was great and audio clear and easily understood.
Europe Radio
first station to hear today on the 19 meters band. Various styles of music
were played. Listeners letters and reception reports were read, as well as
frequent station IDs and contact information.
15845kHz (USB)
SpaceShuttle Radio
The program consisted of techno
and dance music, as well as pop and hip-hop. There were frequent station
identifications during the broadcast and the announcer welcomed reception
reports seve ral times. Deep fades
during the broadcast.
15000kHz (AM)
Mustang Radio
The program was observed
after 1100UTC. During the broadcast
were played songs of various music styles, like Polka and Heavy metal. The
broadcast went off the air after 1130UTC.
13146kHz (AM)
Monaco Radio
The five-minute broadcast
consisted of weather bulletin, provided by the Municipality of Monaco, read
in French language by male announcer, followed by frequency schedule and
contact information, read by software synthesized female announcer.
Global Communication System
Air Forces, coded message, read by software synthesized female voice.
and techno music
- Sony ICF-7600D / 50 metres random longwire aerial
- Yeasy transceiver and halfwave yagi antenna for 14MHz
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