Friday, November 29, 2019


DX RE MIX NEWS # 1159 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov. Date November 29, 2019
Also visit: <> and <>
ARMENIA(non)/IRAN   Iran International TV audio on new 11560 kHz November 25
from 0930 NF 11560 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, fair, ex 11570/11590.
from 0930 on 11570 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Arabic VIRI IRIB-good signal
from 0930 on 11590 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Iranian Bubble Jammer, weak:
from 1155 on 11590 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi-fair, instead of 11560

ARMENIA(non)/IRAN   Radio war between Iran International TV and VIRI IRIB November 25
Iran International TV
from 1450 NF  6270 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, instead of 6230 on November 24
from 1530 on  6230 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Arabic, same frequency on November 24

ARMENIA(non)   International TV with unknown mode on 11560/6270 kHz, November 27
0630&0930 on 11560 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, fair, BUT without carrier
At same time 11570 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Arabic VIRI IRIB PARS TODAY-good
At same time 11590 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs NO AUDIO - OPEN CARRIER/DEAD AIR
1200-1300 on  6270 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, weak, BUT without carrier
1308&1337 on  6270 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, weak/fair + AM modulation

AUSTRIA   Reception of Oesterreichischer Rundfunk in 49mb on November 20:
0600-0720 on  6155 MOS 300 kW / non-dir to WeEu German Mon-Fri, very good

AUSTRIA/GERMANY   Radio DARC#249 via Moosbrunn/Rohrbach on November 24:
1000-1100 on  6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun, good signal
1000-1100 on  7440 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun, very weak

BOTSWANA(non)    Frequency change of Voice of America from November 23:

CHINA   Fair signal of PBS Xinjiang in 31mb November 20
from 1101 on  9705 URU 100 kW / 247 deg to EaAs Kyrgyz:

CHINA   CNR-1 Jamming vs Sound of Hope Xi Wang Zhi Sheng, November 21
from 0729 on 11580 unknown kW / unknown to EaAs Chinese, fair to good

CHINA   CNR-1 Jamming vs Sound of Hope Xi Wang Zhi Sheng November 22
from 0828 on 11580 unknown kW / unknown to EaAs Chinese, good signal
from 0928 on 11440 unknown kW / unknown to EaAs Chinese, good signal

CHINA   CNR-1 Jamming vs Sound of Hope Xi Wang Zhi Sheng, November 25
1330$1357 on  6230 unknown kW / unknown to EaAs Chinese, good signal:

CUBA   Fair signal of Radio Habana Cuba in 60mb, November 19
from 0600 on  5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba English

CUBA   Fair signal of Radio Rebelde in 60mb, November 19
from 0601 on  5025 BAU 050 kW / non-dir to CSAm Spanish

CUBA   Radio Habana Cuba Last minute change or Error or Experiment November 19
0200-0800 NF  6145*BAU 100 kW / 340 deg to WNAm English, not on scheduled 6165
*0500-0600 on 6145 GAL 300 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Romanian R.Romania!!
Something`s always wrong at RHC Radio Habana Cuba Bauta transmitting station!!
Probably errors in winter B-19 schedule of Radio Habana Cuba from November 17:
0000-0500 on  6060 BAU 100 kW / 010 deg to ENAm Spanish is A19, 0100-0600 B-19
0500-0700 on  6060 BAU 100 kW / 010 deg to ENAm English is A19, 0600-0800 B-19
0500-0700 on  6100 BAU 100 kW / 310 deg to WNAm English is A19, 0600-0800 B-19

CUBA   Radio Habana Cuba again on unscheduled frequency in 49mb, November 22:
0200-0800 NF  6145*BAU 100 kW / 340 deg to WNAm English, instead of 6165 kHz!
*0500-0556 on 6145 GAL 300 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Romanian R.Romania!
Something`s always wrong at RHC Radio Habana Cuba Bauta transmitting station!

ESWATINI   Reception of Trans World Radio Africa, November 19
1745-1815 on  9475 MAN 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf Swahili, good

ESWATINI   Reception of Trans World Radio TWR Africa in 25mb, November 26:
1500-1530 on 11780 MAN 100 kW / 031 deg to EaAf Somali Daily, weak to fair
1630-1700 on 11660 MAN 100 kW / 013 deg to EaAf Oromo/Borana, fair to good

FRANCE(non)    Reception of BRB Denge Welat via TDF Issoudun on November 18:
till 1500 on 11540 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, weak signal+STANAG!
1500-1600 NF 11540 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very good, ex 11530
1600-1659 NF 11540 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish, fair/good, ex  9525
1700-1959 on  9525 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish, weak signal + co-ch
at same time  9525 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turk TRT Radio Recep Erdogan

FRANCE vs.VIETNAM   Alameda Bible Fellowship vs. VOV on 7280 kHz, November 18:
1930-2000 on  7280 ISS 500 kW / 180 deg to WeAf English Mon/Wed/Fri Alameda BF
1930-1958 on  7280 SON 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu French Daily Voice of Vietnam.

FRANCE(non)   Fair signal of Eye Radio via TDF Issoudun, November 21
1600-1700 on 15410 ISS 250 kW / 138 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic* Mon-Fri
* including other langs English/Dinka/Nuer/Shilluk/Bari/Zande/Lutoho

GERMANY   Evangelische Missions Gemeinden EMG via MBR Nauen on November 23:
1130-1200 on  6055 NAU 125 kW / 222 deg to CeEu German Sat/Sun, good signal

GERMANY   Missionswerk Friedensstimme via MBR Nauen, November 23:
1200-1230 on 13710 NAU 250 kW / 060 deg to FERu Russian Sat, good
1600-1628 on  6060 NAU 250 kW / 080 deg to EaEu Russian Sat, good

GERMANY   Reception of DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst on November 25
1200-1230 on  5905 PIN 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German AM, fair
1200-1230 on  6180#PIN 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German AM, poor
* co-ch same  5905 KAS 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Russian CRI-weak
# co-ch same  6180 LIN 100 kW / 286 deg to EaAs Kazakh CNR-17
# co-ch same  6180 TSH 300 kW / 325 deg to EaAs Chinese RTI+CNR-1

GERMANY(non) vs.ROMANIA   Koode Radio Int vs.Radio Romania Int on November 18:
1900-1930 on  6180*ISS 250 kW / 175 deg to WCAf Nigerian Fulfulde, good signal
* co-ch same  6180 TIG 300 kW / 307 deg to WeEu German Radio Romania Int, weak

GERMANY(non)   NHK World Radio Japan via MBR Issoudun, November 20
1430-1500 on 13725 ISS 500 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Persian, very good

GERMANY(non)   Brother Stait TOM via Channel 292, November 21
from 0900 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu English, fair

GERMANY(non)   Radio Waves International via Channel 292 on November 23
till 0800 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu English Brother Stair &
0800-0900 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu French Sat, good signal

GERMANY(non)   New time of From the Isle of Music via Channel 292 on November 23:
1100-1200 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu Eng/Spa Sat, good, ex 1200-1300UT
Next week on Sat November 30 From the Isle of Music will be again on air 12-13UT!

GERMANY(non)   Deutsche Welle Bundesliga via MBR Issoudun November 23:
1425-1630 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 165 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat, good signal
1425-1630 on 15320 ISS 500 kW / 172 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat, good signal

GERMANY(non)   Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Nauen November 23
1430-1458 on 11900 NAU 250 kW / 102 deg to SoAs English Sat, very good signal:

GERMANY(non)   Reception of HCJB Voice of The Andes via MBR Nauen, November 23
1529-1629 on  9500 NAU 100 kW / 100 deg to CeAs Russian/Chechen Sat, very good

GERMANY(non)   BVB & Voice of Eritrean Lowland via MBR Nauen & Issoudun, November 23
1630-1700 on 11875 NAU 100 kW / 145 deg to CeAf Nuer Daily Bible Voice Broadcasting&
1700-1730 on 11875 ISS 100 kW / 123 deg to EaAf Arabic Sat Voice of Eritrean Lowland

GERMANY(non)   Adventist World Radio Obectivo DX#856 via MBR Nauen, November 24
1000-1100 on  9610 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to SoEu Italian Sun, very good signal

GERMANY(non)   Tony Alamo rlg px # 757 via MBR Nauen/Tashkent on November 24:
1600-1700 on  6120 NAU 125 kW / 128 deg to N/ME English Sun, very good signal,
1630-1730 on  5945 TAC 100 kW / 090 deg to CeAs English Sun, weak signal+co-ch
at same time  5945 BEI 100 kW / 222 deg to EaAs Chinese China National Radio-1

GERMANY(non)   Pan American Broadcasting PAB via MBR Nauen November 24
1430-1445 on 11800 NAU 250 kW / 094 deg to SoAs English Sun, very good

GERMANY(non)   Reception of Voice of Oromo Liberation via MBR Nauen November 24
1700-1730 on  9610 NAU 100 kW / 144 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Fri/Sun, very good:

GERMANY(non)   Sawtu Linjilia Voice of Gospel via MBR Issoudun November 25:
1830-1858 on  9800 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WCAf Fulfulde Mon-Thu, fair/good

GREECE   Good signal of Voice of Greece in 31mb November 19
0752&0755 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3:
*Arabic/Serbian news and transmitter switches off at 0808UT

GREECE   Good signal of Voice of Greece in 31mb November 20
from 0752 on  9420*AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3:
*Arabic/Serbian news and transmitter switches off at 0800UT
*from 0754 on 9420 SCB 100 kW / 126 deg to N/ME Eng VOA test

GREECE   Good signal of Voice of Greece in 31mb November 21
0752&0756 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3:
*Arabic/Serbian news and transmitter switches off at 0800UT
Today no test transmission of Voice of America 1 via SPL Secretbrod
0754-0804 on  9420 SCB 100 kW / 126 deg to N/ME English November 20
But from 0900UT SCB on/off and on/off with: "This is RFE/RL Prague"

GREECE/SECRETLAND(non)   Voice of Greece and SPL test on 9420 kHz, November 22:
0658-0745 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3 & off air at 0745UTC
0645-0730 on  9420 SCB 100 kW / 126 deg to N/ME This is RFE/RL Prague & off air

GREECE   Good signal of Voice of Greece in 31mb November 26
0750&0755 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3:
*Arabic/Serbian news and transmitter switches off at 0801UT

GREECE   Good signal of Voice of Greece in 31mb November 27
0752&0756 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3:
*Arabic/Serbian news and transmitter switches off at 0805UT

GUAM(non)   BRB Living Water Ministry Broadcasting via KTWR, November 21:
1516-1616 on  7515 TWR 200 kW / 320 deg to NEAs Korean Tue-Fri, weak/fair

GUINEA   Radio Guinée Conakry and Voice of Korea on 9650 kHz, November 20
from 0700 on  9650 CON 050 kW / non-dir to WeAf French Radio Guinée co-ch
at same time  9650 KUJ 200 kW / 109 deg to JPN  Japanese Voice of Korea

GUINEA/SAUDI ARABIA   Radio Guinée & Radio Riyadh on 9650 kHz, November 27
0600-2400 on  9650 CON 050 kW / non-dir to WeAf French Radio Guinée Conakry
0900-2100 on  9650 RIY 100 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic Holy Quran R.Riyadh:

IRAN   VIRI IRIB in Arabic on strange/wrong unscheduled 6210 kHz, November 19
1426&1727 on  6210 SIR or ZAH or AHW to N/ME Arabic and off air around 1820UT
Same time on  6210 unknown kW / unknown to ???? Persian UNID stn co-channel!!

IRAN   VIRI IRIB & Iran International TV on 6210/11590 kHz November 19-20
from 1950 on  6210 SIR or ZAH or AHW to N/ME Arabic VIRI IRIB November 19
0649&0930 on 11590 SIR or ZAH or AHW to N/ME Arabic VIRI IRIB+Iran Int.TV
0729&0830 on 11590 unknown ?Yerevan? to N/ME Farsi Iran International TV

IRAN   IRIB vs. Iran International TV audio on 11590/6210/6220 kHz, November 20
1000&1130 on 11590 Sirjan? vs. Yerevan? to N/ME Arabic/Persian IRIB+Iran Int.TV
1130-1200 on 11590 Sirjan? vs. Yerevan? to N/ME IRIB test tone + Iran Inter.TV
from 1200 on  6220 probably via Yerevan to N/ME Persian Iran Inter.TV + STANAG
1205-1345 on  6210 probably via Sirjan? to N/ME IRIB test tone 1000Hz & off air

IRAN(non)   Reception of Iran International TV audio on 11590 kHz, November 20
0730&0830 on 11590 probably via Yerevan to N/ME Persian+Iranian Bubble Jamming
IRIB test tone 1000Hz on 11590 kHz Sirjan on air until 0710UT and from 0822UT.
SW schedule of Iran International TV is: 04-12 on 11590 & 12-04 on 6210(6220).
MW schedule of Iran International TV is: 1500-1600 & 1745-0300UT on 1395 Gavar

IRAN(non)    Reception of Iran International TV on new 11570 kHz, November 22:
from 0815 NF 11570 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to N/ME Farsi, weak to fair, ex 11590.
At same time 11590 SIR 500 kW / ??? deg to N/ME tone 1000Hz or Bubble Jamming!
SW schedule of Iran International TV is: 04-12 on 11570 and 12-04 on 6220 kHz.
MW schedule of Iran International TV is: 1500-1600 & 1745-0300UT on 1395 Gavar

IRAN vs.ARMENIA(non)   IRIB vs.Iran International TV in 25mb, November 24:
0400-1200 on 11570 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, fair signal + co-ch
at same time 11570 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs no audio only tone 1000 Hz

IRAN vs.ARMENIA(non)   IRIB vs.Iran International TV on new 6230, November 24
1200-0400 NF  6230 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, weak signal, ex  6220.
from 1945 on  6230 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Arabic VIRI IRIB, good signal

IRAN vs.ARMENIA(non)   IRIB vs.Iran International TV on new 11590 November 25
0400-1200 NF 11590 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, weak signal, ex 11570.
from 0630 on 11590 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Arabic VIRI IRIB, good signal
from 0730 on 11590 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs VIRI IRIB Bubble Jamming-weak
from 0830 on 11590 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs strange Jammer, strong signal
from 0840 NF 11570 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Arabic IRIB, good, ex 11590!!

IRAN   VIRI IRIB on the frequencies of Iran International TV on November 26
1223-1228 on 11590 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Pashto, weak/fair & off air
1200-1322 on 11570 SIR 500 kW / unknown to WeAs Arabic, good signal & co-ch
1200-1400 on 11570 PHT 250 kW / 021 deg to EaAs Korean Voice of America VOA
But from 1200UT Iran International TV is moved to 6210/6220/6230 or 6270kHz
Note: Today Iran International TV is with unknown modulation on 11560/6270:
0400-1200 on 11560 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to N/ME Farsi, BUT without carrier!
1200-0400 on  6270 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to N/ME Farsi, BUT without carrier!
BUT at 1530UT 6270 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to N/ME Farsi, weak - AM modulation

IRAN   According to "the new broadcasting strategy of ParsToday", German
program will be aired on shortwave only till December 21 2019, until the
end of the current Iranian month of Azar. Until then, you can receive us
on shortwave on the short term changed frequencies 6190 kHz and 7295 kHz
1723-1820 on  6055 SIR 500 kW / 320 deg to WeEu German, WINTER B-19 HFCC
1723-1820 on  6190#SIR 500 kW / 320 deg to WeEu German, BUT UNREGISTERED
# changed to  6090 SIR 500 kW / 320 deg to WeEu German, HFCC alternative
1723-1820 on  6115 SIR 500 kW / 313 deg to WeEu German, BUT AT SAME TIME
the adjacent  6110 SIR 500 kW / 300 deg to SEEu Bosnian Sce of VIRI IRIB
1723-1820 on  7295 SIR 500 kW / 313 deg to WeEu German, HFCC alternative
NOTE: Probably new frequencies in German are 6090(not 6190) and 7295 kHz
It can also be expected that even other ParsToday language services will
leave shortwave at the end of December, except Hebrew, Arabic & Kurdish!

JAPAN   Reception of NHK World Japan Network Radio Japan, November 27
1100-1130 on  5985 YAM 300 kW / 330 deg to FERu Russian, weak to fair

KUWAIT   Reception of Radio Kuwait General Service, November 22
0200-0632 on  5959.8 KBD 250 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic, fair:

KUWAIT   Good signal of Radio Kuwait in 16mb, November 22
1000-1200 on 17760 KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Filipino:

KUWAIT/JAPAN   MOI Radio Kuwait vs.NHK World Radio Japan on 9750v kHz November 27
1056-1333 on  9749.8 KBD 250 kW / 286 deg to NEAf Arabic Gen.Sce MOI Radio Kuwait
0900-1600 on  9750.0 YAM 300 kW / 290 deg to EaAs Japanese NHK World Radio Japan:

MADAGASCAR(non)   Reception of Radio Tamazuj via Talata Volonondry, November 22:
1459-1557 on 11705 MDC 250 kW / 340 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, fair to good signal
and QRM from 11700 SCB 050 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English Brother HySTAIRical TOM!

MALAYSIA(non)   New clandestine Radio Nyawa Sarawak is on air from November 18
1000-1200 on 11890 unknown kW / unknown to SEAs Iban/Bahasa Malay Mon/Wed/Fri.

MOLDOVA(non)   Trans World Radio India in 31mb via Grigoriopol, November 19:
1345-1400 on  9950 KCH 300 kW / 098 deg to SoAs Marwari Mon-Wed, fair signal

MOLDOVA(non)   Frequency change of Trans World Radio India via Grigoriopol:

NEW ZEALAND   Weak signal of Radio New Zealand Pacific in 31mb on November 20
1059-1258 on  9700 RAN 100 kW / 325 deg to NWPacPNG/As English AM mode Daily:

NIGERIA   Reception of Voice of Nigeria VON in 25mb, November 21
from 1628 on 11769.9 AJA 250 kW / 248 deg to WCAf English, fair:

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 41mb, November 19
0730-0736 on  7410 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair:

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb on November 19
0740-0746 on 11532 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, weak:

NUMBERS STATION   Fair signal of E11 Oblique in 25mb, November 19
0845-0848 on 12089 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 60mb, November 19
1100-1106 on  5035 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair:

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 49mb, November 19
1110-1116 on  5975 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, good:

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of E11 Oblique in 26mb on November 20
0640-0643 on 11450 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB, weak

NUMBERS STATION   Good signal of Cuban Spy HM01 on 9330 kHz, November 20
0700-0720 on  9330 secret tx probably BEJ 050 kW Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri
0730-0750 on  9330 secret tx probably BEJ 050 kW Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb on November 20
0840-0846 on 11830 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair/good

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of E17z English Lady in 31mb on November 21
0810-0816 on  9821vUnknown secret tx site to Eu English CUSB, distorted

NUMBERS STATION   Fair signal of E11 Oblique in 25mb, November 21
0845-0848 on 12089 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB mode:

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb on November 21
0940-0946 on  9540 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, very good

NUMBERS STATION   Fair signal of Cuban Spy HM01 on 9330 kHz, November 20
0700-0720 on  9330 secret tx probably BEJ 050 kW Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri
0730-0750 on  9330 secret tx probably BEJ 050 kW Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri
At same time  9330 BCQ 250 kW / 270 deg to MEX  English WBCQ-6 NO SIGNAL

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 41mb, November 26
0730-0736 on  7410 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair:

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of E11 Oblique in 25mb on November 26
0845-0848 on 12089 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB, weak

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S11a Cherta in 41mb on November 26
1020-1032 on  7600 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB, good

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 60mb, November 26
1100-1106 on  5035 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 49mb, November 26
1110-1116 on  5975 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, good:

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 25mb on November 27
0840-0846 on 11830 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, weak/fair

OMAN   Reception of Radio Sultanate of Oman RSO in 19mb on November 18:
1000&1300 on 15145 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic-fair/good signal
from 1355 on 15145 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu NO SIGNAL-TX IS OFF AIR

OMAN   Reception of Radio Sultanate of Oman RSO in 19mb on November 20:
1000-1022 on 15145 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu NO SIGNAL-TX IS OFF AIR
1023&1200 on 15145 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic-fair/good signal
& at 1352UTC 15145 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu transmitter off the air

OMAN   Reception of Radio Sultanate of Oman RSO in 19mb on November 22:
1000-1106 on 15145 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu NO SIGNAL-TX IS OFF AIR
1108&1410 on 15145 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic-weak/fair signal
from 1412 0n 15145 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu transmitter off the air

OMAN   Radio Sultanate of Oman on wrong 15140, instead of 15145 kHz on November 25:
1140&1217 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, instead of 15145, good, BUT
from 1235 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic or 15145 NO SIGNAL/TX IS OFF
Something`s always wrong at Radio Sultanate of Oman Thumrayt transmitting station!!

OMAN   Radio Sultanate of Oman again on 15140, instead of 15145 kHz on November 26:
1000-1012 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu NO SIGNAL/TRANSMITTER IS NOT ON AIR
1012&1200 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, instead of 15145 kHz, good.
from 1200 on 15140 BAU 100 kW / 130 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Habana Cuba co-channel
Something`s always wrong at Radio Sultanate of Oman Thumrayt transmitting station!!

OMAN   Radio Sultanate of Oman again on 15140, instead of 15145 kHz on November 27:
1000-1015 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu NO SIGNAL/TRANSMITTER IS NOT ON AIR
1015&1300 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, instead of 15145 kHz, good.
from 1200 on 15140 BAU 100 kW / 130 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Habana Cuba co-channel
Something`s always wrong at Radio Sultanate of Oman Thumrayt transmitting station!!

ROMANIA(non)   Reception of IRRS Radio City via RADIOCOM Tiganesti November 23
0900-1000 on  9510 TIF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu German Sat, fair/good signal &
co-ch on same 9510 URU 050 kW / non-dir to EaAs Mongolian PBS Xinjiang - weak:

ROMANIA(non)   IRRS EGR/UNR via RADIOCOM Tiganesti on November 24
from 1030 on  9510 TIG 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun, fair

ROMANIA(non)   AWR Wavescan#560 via RADIOCOM Tiganesti on November 24:
1200-1230 on  9510*TIG 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun, fair/good
*from 1224 on 9510 AHW 500 kW / non-dir to WeAs Pashto VIRI IRIB co-ch

RUSSIA   Weak signal of GTRK Adygeya/Adygeyan Radio, November 18
1800-1900 on  6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Ady/Ara/Tur Mon

SAUDI ARABIA(non)   Reception of Republic of Yemen Radio in 25mb on November 19
from 1400 on 11860*JED or RIY / unknown to N/ME Arabic Rep.of Yemen Radio, fair
At same time 11745 JED or RIY / unknown to N/ME Arabic Al-Azm Radio is dead air
*from 1403UT 11860 GB  250 kW / 183 deg to Cuba Spanish Radio Marti co-channel:

SECRETLAND(non)   Test of VOA-1 via SPL Secretbrod on November 20:
0754-0804 on  9420 SCB 100 kW / 126 deg to N/ME English & off, but
totally blocked Voice of Greece in Serbian on 9420 kHz till 0800UT
0845-0948 on  9420 SCB 100 kW / 126 deg to N/ME This is RFE/RL Prague

SECRETLAND(non)   Reception of BBC in 16mb via SPL Secretbrod, November 20
1400-1500 on 17745 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Somali, very good signal

SECRETLAND(non)   Reception of Brother HySTAIRical in 25mb, November 20
1400-1555 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Daily-very good
1500-1655 on 11700 SCB 050 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English Mon-Fri, fair &
till 1630 on 11695 LAM 100 kW / 092 deg to WeAs Persian Radio Farda QRM
1600-1940 on  9400 SCB 100 kW / 126 deg to N/ME English Daily-very good

SECRETLAND(non)   Reception of BBC in 49mb via SPL Secretbrod, November 20
1600-1700 on  5875 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi, good signal+STANAG

SECRETLAND(non)   Radio Taiwan Int in 49mb via SPL Secretbrod, November 20
1701-1730 on  5900 SCB 050 kW / 030 deg to EaEu Russian, fair/good signal:

SECRETLAND(non)   Bible Voice Broadcasting in 49mb via SPL Secretbrod, November 20:
1710-1730 on  5995 SCB 050 kW / 126 deg to N/ME Arabic Mon/Wed, fair to good signal
1745-1800 on  5995 SCB 050 kW / 126 deg to N/ME Arabic Dardasha 7, fair/good signal

SECRETLAND(non)   Reception of Radio Dabanga via SPL Secretbrod November 22
1529-1627 on 11640 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Darfur Arabic, good signal:

SECRETLAND(non)   Reception of Dimtse Radio Erena via SPL Secretbrod on November 22:
1700-1800 on  9720 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Tigrinya/Arabic Fri, very good signal

SECRETLAND(non)   Extra BBC in Farsi via SPL Secretbrod on November 22:
1830-1930 on  5910 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi, fair & continues
1330-1430 on 15180 WOF 250 kW / 082 deg to WeAs Farsi-NO SIGNAL/DELETED
1400-1600 on  6195 SLA 250 kW / 335 deg to WeAs Farsi-NO SIGNAL/DELETED
1430-1600 on 11940 WOF 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi-NO SIGNAL/DELETED

SECRETLAND(non)   IRRS Radio Warra Wangeelaa via SPL Secretbrod, November 23
1500-1530 on 15515 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo Sat, good signal:

SECRETLAND(non)   Reception of From the Isle of Music via SPL Secretbrod, November 24
1500-1600 on  9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English/Spanish Sun, very good signal

SRI LANKA   Reception of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation in 31mb on November 18
1115-1158 on  9695*TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to SoAs Telugu/Malayalam, weak/fair signal
* QRM RNZ on  9700 RAN 100 kW / 325 deg to NWPacPNG/As English Radio New Zealand:

SRI LANKA   Reception of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation SLBC on November 27
1115-1159 on  9695 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to SoAs Telugu/Malayalam, fair plus QRM
at same time  9700 RAN 100 kW / 325 deg to NWPacPNG/As English Radio NZ Pacific

TAIWAN   Winter B-19 new frequencies of Radio Taiwan International

TAJIKISTAN(non)   Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet November 25
1230-1236 on  9899 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1236-1242 NF  9884 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex  9886
1242-1306 NF  9896 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex  9876
1306-1312 on  9884 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1312-1341 NF  9876 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex  9884
1330-1400 on  9814 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1341-1400 NF  9896*DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex  9876
*plus QRM on  9900 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Bengali BBC, good

U.K.(non)   Radio Ndarason Int via Woofferton/Ascension, November 20
1800-1900 on  9635 WOF 250 kW / 152 deg to WeAf Kanuri, fair signal
1900-2100 on 12050 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Kanuri, fair signal

U.K.(non)   Additional time & frequencies of BBC in Farsi on shortwave
1330-1430 on 15180 WOF 250 kW / 082 deg to WeAs Farsi from November 21
1400-1600 on  6195 SLA 250 kW / 335 deg to WeAs Farsi from November 21
1430-1600 on 11940 WOF 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi from November 21
1830-1930 on  5910 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi from November 21

U.K.(non)   Frequency change BVBroadcasting via ENC-DMS Dushanbe, November 24:
1300-1330 NF  7555 DB  100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs English Sun-Wed*, NOT 9340 kHz
* including 1300-1315 English Sat; 1315-1345 Korean Sat & 1330-1400 Korean Sun
1200-1230 on  6260 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs Urdu Sat - inactive at present

U.K.(non)   Follow The Bible Ministries ENC-DMS Woofferton, November 24
till 1830 on  6180 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Somali BBC via SPL/SCB.
1830-1858 on  6180 WOF 300 kW / 114 deg to N/ME Arabic Sun, good signal

U.K.(non)   Follow The Bible Ministries ENC-DMS Ascension on November 24
1900-1928 on 11660 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf English Sun, fair signal
1900-1928 on 12005 ASC 250 kW / 115 deg to SoAf English Sun, weak signal

USA   Reception of Supreme Master TV via WRMI tx#9 November 18
1400-2000 on 15770 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English, fair:

USA   Fair signal of AWR Wavescan#560 via WRMI-9 November 19
1330-1400 on 15770 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Tue:

USA    Reception of OCB Radio Marti via Greenville B on November 18:
1400-2200 on 11860*GB  250 kW / 183 deg to Cuba Spanish, fair signal
1400-2200 on 11930 GB  250 kW / 184 deg to Cuba Spanish, good signal
* co-ch same 11860 JED or RIY / unknown to N/ME Ar Rep.of Yemen Radio

USA   Fair/good signal of Alameda Bible Fellowship via WRMI-09 on November 19:
1330-1400 on 15770 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Mon/Wed/Fri Alameda BF

USA   WTWW-1 & WTWW-3 We Transmit World Wide in 49/60mb, November 21
from 0600 on  5830 TWW 100 kW / 050 deg to ENAm English WTWW-1, weak
from 0600 on  5085 TWW 100 kW / 180 deg to SoAm English WTWW-2, weak

USA   Brother HySTAIRical TOM via WRMI-1/6/8 Okeechobee, November 21
from 0600 on  7780 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English WRMI-1, good
from 0600 on  9395 RMI 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English WRMI-6, fair
from 0600 on  9455 RMI 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English WRMI-8, good

USA   Reception of WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio in 31mb, November 21
from 0700 on  9385 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English, fair signal

USA   Good signal of World's Last Chance Radio via WBCQ-6 November 21
1929&1957 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 060 deg to N/ME English WLCRadio, BUT
B19 scheduled 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 060 deg to N/ME English from 2030UTC!
WBCQ-6 World's Last Chance Radio/WLCRadio, WBCQ online sked &
WBCQ-6 World's Last Chance Radio/WLCRadio, B19 HFCC Database:

USA   WWCR-2 World Wide Christian Radio relay University Network November 22
from 0600 on  5935 WCR 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English Melissa Scott, weak:

USA   Reception of EWTN, WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio in 31mb on November 22:
0855&0900 on  9385 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English, good & off at 0902UT
from 0900 on  9470 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs English, AGAIN NOT ON THE AIR

USA   Reception of World's Last Chance Radio WLCRadio via WBCQ-6 on November 22
1700-1857 on  9330 BCQ 250 kW / 300 deg to CAN  English - NO SIGNAL HERE IN BUL
from 1900 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 054 deg to WeEu English, very good in Sofia/BUL
"WBCQ online" 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 060 deg to N/ME English from 2030UTC to 0300UTC

USA   World's Last Chance Radio WLCRadio via WBCQ-6 on November 23:
1700-1855 on  9330 BCQ 250 kW / 300 deg to WCAN English, poor/weak,
1900-2155 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 054 deg to WeEu English, very good.
from 2300 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 175 deg to SoAm English, very poor.
2030-2255 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 060 deg to N/ME English-online sked
2300-0255 on  9330 BCQ 250 kW / 300 deg to WCAN English-online sked
Probably WLCRadio is now on air 1700-0500UT with different azimuts!
But updated internet schedule of WLCRadio via WBCQ-6 is as follows:

USA   Reception of World Harvest Radio International WHRI Angel 2, November 24
1300-1700 on  9840 HRI 250 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English Sun, weak to fair, QRM
1323-1420 on  9835 SIR 500 kW / 336 deg to EaEu Russian VIRI IRIB / PARS TODAY

USA   Reception of WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio in 31mb November 26:
from 0800 on  9385 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English, good signal
0900-1300 on  9470 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs English is cancelled

USA   Reception of World's Last Chance Radio via WBCQ-6 November 26.
Day by day schedule is with different duration, languages & azimuths
1657-1700 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 081 deg to NWAf English WBCQ - IS/ID
1700&2000 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 081 deg to NWAf Arabic - good signal
from 2100 on  9330 BCQ 250 kW / 300 deg to WCAN English, weak & fair

USA   World's Last Chance Radio WLCRadio via WBCQ-6, November 24:
1700&2100 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 081 deg to NWAf Arabic, very good

USA   Reception of Brother HySTAIRical via WWCR-3 in 60mb on November 25
till 0600 on  4840 WCR 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm English Mon, weak signal

USA   World Wide Christian Radio WWCR-3 in 22mb, November 25:
1300-1400 on 13845 WCR 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm English, weak

USA   Reception of World's Last Chance Radio via WBCQ-6 November 25.
Day by day schedule is with different duration, languages & azimuths
1700&1800 on  9330 BCQ 250 kW / 300 deg to WCAN English, poor & weak
1900&2000 on  9330 BCQ 500 kW / 070 deg to NWAf Arabic, fair to good

USA   Good signal of WHRI Angel 2 in 31mb, November 27:
till 0600 on  9830 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English

USA(non)   Updated B19 schedule of RAE Argentina to the world via WRMI

USA(non)   Additional unregistered frequency of Radio Farda, November 23:
0400-1500 on 11675 LAM 100 kW / 104 deg to WeAs Persian, very good signal
This frequency is on air from November 20 according to AGM RMS locations.
Updated B-19 of R.Liberty/R.Farda/R.Free Afghanistan/R.Mashaal is here

USA(non)   Unscheduled frequency of Radio Farda via Lampertheim on November 25
1530-1730 on  7585*LAM 100 kW / 092 deg to WeAs Farsi, unscheduled, very good,
from 1730 on  7585 UDO 250 kW / 305 deg to WeAs Farsi as scheduled in HFCC B19
*plus QRM on  7590 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to SoAs Urdu TWR/FEBA Radio 16-1630UTC

UTILITY   Reception of LZW Varna Radio in 80mb November 25
0704&0707 on  3740 USB mode Bulgarian/English, fair signal

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Voice of Martyrs & TWR India via RRTM Telecom Tashkent November 21
1530-1600 on  7630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean VOMartyrs, poor/weak signal
1545-1600 on  6240 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to CeAs Kazakh TWR India, fair plus STANAG

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Iran International TV audio via RRTM Tashkent November 23
0400-1200 on 11570*TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi, fair to good signal,
1200-0400 on  6220 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi+STANAG(alt.6230/6270)
0400-1500 on 17695 unknown tx (UDO/PHT) to WeAs NO SIGNAL FROM NOVEMBER 21!
Iran International TV audio is under "NOR", according to AGM RMS locations.
*from 12UTC  11570 PHT 250 kW / 021 deg to EaAs Korean AGM Voice of America

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